Quite often, people confuse friendships with friendships, not understanding how they differ from each other.
Friendly relations imply sympathy, based on a short a friendly relationship. This is quite easy and easy relationship between people, not bearing any obligations and claims.
Unlike friendships, friendship carries a more responsible relationship. Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, mutual understanding and common interests.
Not everyone can experience the feeling of friendship is like love! Either given or not! It's talent! Because true friendship means total commitment and mutual help. That doesn't mean you have to belong to that person 24 hours a day. No! You have a life of your own! But as soon as your friend needs your help, you immediately rush to help him without a call. And absolutely free of charge! This is a very pleasant and sublime feeling akin to love.
Sometimes friendships are strained by disagreements and conflicts. The ability to deal with conflicts will help to maintain your relationship with friends. If you disagree with your boyfriend / girlfriend, feel free to come over and discuss the issue. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. It's important to choose the right moment.
Many people confuse feelings of friendship and affection. Friendship is always mutual! And when only one person makes every effort to meet the needs of another, and does not receive support in return - it can already be called use. And it should be clearly understood! Friendship is not only support, mutual help, but also devotion!
Strive to develop sincerity and openness, to be able to empathize and sympathize, to listen and show interest, to be ready to help in difficult times, to take advice and keep secrets, to be able to forgive, because with friends the world becomes kinder and friendlier. And remember that the resolution of the conflict in friendship is not the most pleasant task, but it's worth it for the sake of achieving a result that, in the end, will lead to a real, true, deep friendship.
Below are some of the problems that arise between friends:
- Education. You have been friends since childhood, decided to continue their education by entering the UNIVERSITY, and your friend has not received any education other than school, well, at worst, some College. You are working, developing, moving up the career ladder, well
- Envy. And your friend does not even imply how much effort you have put into achieving your success, he sees only the result. And this result is not in your favor. Or the other case, when one of friends, very good friends, benefits and aptly goes married. And the second can not arrange a personal life. What awaits this relationship? You have other interests, views. But you genuinely love school friend! And him? What feelings overwhelm him?
- Jealousy. Close friends are very often jealous of their comrades, as in any other partnership. If your girlfriend is Dating a very nice person, and you have ceased to pay attention much less than before, you may begin to annoy it, you will become jealous. Or young man, finally, met girl "its dreams" and conducts with it all its free time, as you think on this reacts his the best each? Initially, there is a feeling of jealousy.
- Status difference. It is also a very significant factor in the relationship. If we grew up in the same sandbox, were friends all school and College years, and then went each his own way, while one got rich, and the other remained in the "same state", one can afford luxury resorts, and the other even Sochi is not "pull", one lives in a luxury apartment, and the other …
- Insult. One of the most destructive relationships, both in friendship and in other feelings. We often, even in trifles offended by their close friends, they say, they will understand, forgive. Here is not so reacted on situation, here not supported, there not helped. And these grievances accumulate like a snowball. We, for some reason, believe that if a friend, he will understand, completely without thinking about his problems.