What's your nationality?
- My nationality is Russian. I'm Russian.
2. I'm French.
What's the Capital city and population of your country?
- The Capital City of Russia is Moscow. The Population of Moscow over 11 million people.
2. The capital of France is Paris. I think the population of France is about 60 million.
What's your first language?
- My first language is Russian.
2. French.
What other language do you speak?
- I speak English a little bit.
2. I can speak Italian and English.
Which countries have you visited?
- I visited Turkey, Czech Republic, Ukraine.
2. I have visited Germany, Spain, Italy, and the UK.
Which countries would you like to visit?
- I would like to visit Australia and New Zeland.
2. I don't know the Far East, so I would like to visit China and Japan.
✈ Stay tuned!