Ex. 1 Discuss the questions. What do you look for when you choose somewhere to stay? Think about these things.
Entertainment facilities food location Price
Ex 2.Match the two columns
Ex 3. When you stay in a hotel, which of these facilities are most important to you/least important to you?
Complete the sentences with the collocations in the box.
1. It only cost €200 to rent for the week because it was still the _______
2. It was £50 a night for a double room ______
3. It normally costs $25 a night with electricity, but there was a _______ for groups.
4. They had a ____, so we left the kids and went out on our own a couple of nights.
5. It was difficult to------- because the ground was so hard.
6. There was a kitchen the guests could use, but they also ______
7. It had a _____ in the living room, which was nice.
8. We didn’t have to ____ with lots of other people. They had some smaller family rooms.
9. There was a ____ which was shared by the whole block.
10. You had to walk a long way to get to the toilet and _____, but at least there was plenty of hot water.
11. It had quite _____, but the kitchen was OK and it was all very clean.
12. They charged a lot for internet access in the room, but there was _____ in the reception area.
We often say Im' afraid to apologise for giving bad news.
I'm afraid we're fully booked that weekend.
To reply to questions, we use Im' afraid not /Im' afraid so.
We often also add a comment
D: And breakfast is included too?
R: I'm afraid not. It's 125 with breakfast.
D: So if, for whatever reason, they didn't come, they'd lose that money?
R: I'm afraid so. The complete payment is made on arrival.
Ex 4. Work in pairs. Take turns asking these questions. Your partner should reply with I’m afraid so or I’m afraid not and add a comment:
1 Is there free wi-fi?
2 Do I need to pay a fee if I cancel?
3 Is the swimming pool heated?
4 Can we make a fire on the campsite?
5 Did it reject my credit card again?
6 Are there any tickets left for tonight's performance?
7 Is it going to rain again tomorrow?
8 Can't you do something about it?
Ex. 5. Discuss these questions.
What problems might people have in a hotel? How many problems can you think of?
Have you ever asked a hotel receptionist for anything? What happened?
Ex. 6 Work in pairs. Look at these situations. Discuss how would you react and what you would do. Explain why.
1. You’re a receptionist and a customer is refusing to pay for the drinks he has taken from the minibar in his room. He says he didn’t take any and is getting quite angry.
2. You’re in a hotel and you can’t get to sleep because of noise next door.
3. You’re camping. It’s raining and water is coming in through your tent.
4. You’re sharing a kitchen in a hostel and you see someone leave their dirty dishes.
5. You’ve rented an apartment and the air conditioning is broken. It’s boiling and the owner of the apartment isn’t answering their phone.
6. You’re a cleaner, and you find$100 left on the bed when you are cleaning the room after a guest has left.