Сегодня уже 1 декабря, а это значит, что совсем скоро наступит на только самый любимый праздник Новый год, но и закончится вторая четверть у детей в школе.
Очень часто учителя дают возможность детям в школе получить дополнительную оценку и просят выучить новогоднее, рождественское или просто зимнее стихотворение. Как правило, такое задание могут получить ученики начальной школы. Именно поэтому я решила поискать для своих учеников короткие и не очень сложные стихотворения, которыми и хочу поделиться с вами, мои дорогие подписчики.
1. A snowball
I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first it wet the bed.
2. Snowman
I’m a little snowman, short and fat
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
When the jolly sunshine comes to stay
Then I slowly melt away!
3. Snow
Snow on the ground.
Snow on the tree.
Snow on the house.
Snow on me!
4. This is the season...
This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forest and park.
This is the season
When children ski,
And Santa Clause
Brings a Christmas tree.
5. Winter
Children are skiing,
Children are skating,
Sledging down the hills.
Winter is charming,
When it is coming
With snow and frost all around.
6.Snowflakes falling
Snowflakes falling
One by one,
Time to play,
And have some fun.
Build a snowman
Snowballs, too,
Come and see what you can do.
7. New Year
New things to learn,
New friends to meet.
New songs to sing,
New books to read.
New things to see,
New things to hear.
New things to do in this New Year!
8.Let’s go skate
Winter, winter.
Let’s go skate.
Winter, winter.
Don’t be late.
Winter, winter.
Let’s go roll.
Winter, winter.
In the snow.
Winter, winter!
Winter, winter!
9. A chubby little snowman
A chubby little snowman
had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny,
and what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
looking for some lunch,
Grabbed that snowman’s nose,
Nibble, nibble, crunch!
10. Who's Coming
Who is coming on Christmas night
With a red, red coat and hair all white
Eyes that sparkle like a starry night
I know don't you?
Who has a sack all filled with toys
With wonderful gifts for girls and boys
With a magical sleigh that makes no noise
I know don't you?
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