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@variantway @ Моя стихия @petersburgtours @secretchronicle @biosferatum @citadel_adequata @bellalavanda

@unirussia @belrus @rgo @Общественный центр информации @Духовная мудрость Земли @656a @tsargrad.tv @paleoflora @diletant.media @sevprostor @mig_vechnosti @Вещий лес @truehunt @Марсианская природа @protohistory @sibved24 @alternathistory @Комиссия научного туризма Русского Географического общества СПб @iluhin @Наследие Гипербореи
@51meridian @Cher Cuisinier @deep_cosmos @sfera_pro_cosmos @secretchronicle @moyaplaneta @citade@a@alivespace.ruivespace.ru51meridian @Cher Cuisinier @deep_cosmos @sfera_pro_cosmos @secretchronicle @mo@a@alivespace.ruivespace.rurgo @a_bit_of_a_histo@@@@infox.ru@@@infox.ruhere_is_an_opinion @shyriacdz @kpru @prospero @rkrp72 @sobesednik_na_skameike @prospero @ @parfenov @iz @Черёмин А.А. Книги по истории @truehunt @alternathistory @History Empires @variantway
9 мая 2024
Snowy Egypt
The country that historians call Ancient Egypt called itself Kemi (with the addition of “ta” (country) Km-ta, Ta-Km - Black or Red Land). In the same way, the Russian Old Believers called the country in the north of modern Finland and Karelia - the country of Kemi (Kem), the famous “Kemsk volost”, which the Swedes unsuccessfully sought. Egypt was also called Ta mri (Ta Miri) - the country of Peace (Miр- in Russian) (academic translation - the country of Love, Kama-desha in Sanskrit). Upper Egypt - Ta SmAw, SmAw (Barley, Semav - Sumya) from Sma - barley (seed -semia in Russian). Lower Egypt - Ta...
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