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Objective - CAE

подборка эссе для cae

Нашел выборку эссе из разных учебников, можно почитать и посмотреть что уровень не очень высокий. Т.к. после прочтения крутых работ очень сильно падает самооценка, а здесь самое то)).

Продолжаю изучать английский, подумал о том, чтобы бы неплохо мне еще пройти курс general english, но пока не знаю, где взять на это время и главное с кем.

Писаниной занимаюсь часто, прошу пишу на любые темы которые взбредут мне в голову, но правда стараюсь писать что-либо на серьезные темы, т.к. иначе не задействуется продвинутый вокабуляр и конструкции. С эссе стало намного проще, т.к. это сам любимый мой вид письменных работ.

Compact Advanced (unit 1 WB)

Your class has attended a panel discussion on the problem of youth unemployment and possible solutions to the problem. You have made the notes below.

Ways of dealing with the problem.

- Retraining

- Education

- Skills

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

'Young people should study practical subjects.'

'People should retire earlier'

'All young people should have to get some qualifications'

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the ideas in your notes. You should explain which approach you think would be more effective, giving reasons to support your opinion.

Unemployment in many countries is at record levels; in particular, youth unemployment is almost out of control. It could even be argued that we are in danger of having a lost generation if urgent action is not taken. Nevertheless, should effective policies be implemented, the consequences of this potential disaster could be minimised.

The first approach that could be taken is to raise the level of compulsory education. Although this approach might cause financial problems for governments, this would probably cost no more than unemployment benefits. Raising academic standards and the level of skills training will enable the country as a whole to benefit from an improved range of skills.

Secondly, not only should education levels be raised for all, but the introduction of more relevant, practical and useful skills would also be beneficial for the country. Arguably, a significant proportion of today's youth has qualifications and skills that are held by too many people. Despite many young people gaining high-level qualifications, the lack of diversification means that they are still faced with an uncertain career path as many of their skills are not those most in demand.

Reform of the education system would be costly and it is perhaps questionable whether the minimum level for all will address the issue. However, raising awareness of the skills and qualifications our country is in desperate need of, would go some way to addressing the problem.

Compact Advanced (unit 1 WB)

Your class has attended a panel discussion on the problem of long-term unemployment among people over 50 and possible solutions to the problem. You have made the notes below.

Ways of dealing with the problem.

- Education

- Early retirement

- Job sharing

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

'The retirement age should be 55.'

'It's more important for young people to have jobs'

'Job sharing should be encouraged'

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the ideas in your notes. You should explain which approach you think would be more effective, giving reasons to support your opinion.

When an economy is doing badly, it is not unusual for businesses to make older employees redundant. People in their fifties and older are often more seriously affected by unemployment than younger colleagues, because they are less likely to find jobs they are qualified to do with an acceptable level of pay. Frequently, this leads to long-term unemployment among people in this age group. I will now suggest two possible solutions to this problem.

It has been suggested that older unemployed people might share jobs. This arrangement would benefit two unemployed people, but the disadvantage would be that neither would earn the same amount of money as in their previous employment. This, in turn, would have a negative impact on their family's standard of living. On the plus side, job-sharing would allow people some free time to pursue other interests, or even to retrain.

This brings me to my second solution to the problem of older unemployed workers: retraining. One of the reasons that it is difficult for this group to find work is that they may not have the skills required by modern organisations. They might be equipped to do basic manual work, but retraining programme would provide them with skills which would be more attractive to potential employers.

Of these two possible solutions to the problem of long-term unemployment among the over-fifties, I would suggest that retraining would be more likely to help these people back into work because, like everyone else, the over-fifties want to maintain their standard of living and do satisfying work.

Complete Advanced (Unit 3)

Your class has listened to a debate about methods employers should use to ensure that their workforce is happy and motivated. You have made the notes below.

How can employers ensure that their employees are happy and motivated?:

- establish good communications

- encourage a work-life balance

- make employees feel valued as people

Some opinion expressed in the debate:

"Most employees are satisfied if they are well paid"

"The happier employees are, the more efficient and productive they will be"

"You need to be able to discuss problems with your colleagues and your manager".

Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which method is more important for employers to adopt, providing reasons in support of your answer.

There is no doubt, in my opinion, that the happier and more motivated employees are, the more productive they are likely to be. This almost certainly results in the organization they are employed by being more successful than it would otherwise be. For this reason, it is in employers' interests to ensure that their workers are happy and motivated. I will now consider methods which employers could adopt to achieve this.

Perhaps the most important thing employers can do is make employees feel valued, not just as paid workers but as individuals. In practice, this should involve establishing good relationships between staff at all levels. Employees should have access to those above them in their organisation, people with whom they can discuss their work or personal matters which affect their work. Employees will feel valued if they know that they are being listened to.

Employers should also, in my view, encourage employees to have a healthy work-life balance. This means accepting that employees need time to pursue leisure activities and to socialise with their friends and families. Employers should even discourage employees from starting work too early in the morning or from taking on a lot of overtime and finishing late in the evening.

I believe that both the approaches I have suggested are actually interdependent; one of the ways employers can make their employees feel valued is to recognise that they have lives outside work. This will help to ensure that employees remain happy and motivated.

When making use of the second opinion given in the task (The happier employees are the writer has used almost the same words; also it would be better to find alternative ways of expressing 'happy and motivated'.

Expert Advanced (reference)

Your class has attended a panel discussion on why working from home might be difficult for employees. You have made the notes below:

Reasons why working at home might be difficult for employees:

- domestic pressures

- loss of human contact

- lack of structure

Some opinions expressed in the discussion.

'You get involved in family issues'

'It can be lonely'

'I like organising my own working life'

Write an essay for your tutor in 220-260 words in an appropriate style, discussing two of the reasons in your notes. You should explain which issue might be the most difficult and provide reasons to support your opinion.

As technology has progressed, it has become easier for people to work from home. Gone are the days when most employees were expected to be in the office every day from 9 to 5. There are many reasons why this change is desirable, such as increased flexibility, less commuting and more involvement in family life.

However, there are many reasons why it might cause difficulty. The first reason is to do with the loss of a clear dividing line between work and home life. Unless you are very focused, it takes a strong person not to turn on the television or get involved in domestic matters, such as picking the children up from school or dealing with a repairman trying to fix your washing machine.

Secondly, many employees need the discipline of being in a particular place at a particular time and being told what to do and when. Working from home demands a lot of self-discipline: you have to organise your own physical working environment and set yourself daily targets and deadlines. It is of no interest to the employer how and when the work is done, as long as the job is finished when required, even if it means the employee working all night.

In my view, the more difficult of the two issues is the second. While most of us will enjoy the independence of working from home, it does require a great deal of personal responsibility, and not all employees are self-starters, able to plan their day's work and stick to it.

trainer (test 5)

Your class has listened to a radio discussion about the advantages of being self-employed rather than working for someone else. You have made the notes below:

Advantages of being self-employed

- time

- decision making

- money

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

"You don't have to work from nine to five every day."

"You're in charge of the decisions that affect what you do."

"If you work hard, you make money for yourself, not someone else."

Write an essay discussing two of the advantages of being self-employed in your notes. You should explain which advantage you think is most significant, giving reasons in support of your answer.

It seems that increasing numbers of people are choosing these days to leave their regular salaried job in order to become self-employed. But why do people choose to do so? What are the advantages of this way of life?

Firstly, perhaps the main attraction of being self-employed is that it leaves you in control of your own schedule. If you prefer to work late at night so that you can take the following day off to go to a concert at your child's school, then you can do so. You don't have to ask anyone's permission to leave the office whenever you wish.

A second major advantage of working for yourself is that you are in charge of all decisions connected with your business. When you're employed by someone else, you have to do what they wish, regardless of whether you feel it is the best course of action or not. To be in control of how you work is something that makes the self-employed lifestyle very attractive for many people.

Of the two advantages of being self-employed discussed above, the more significant one is the fact that you are in charge of your own timetable. To be able to spend time with friends and family when you wish to is worth sacrificing the regular monthly pay cheque for. As long as you can earn enough for your requirements, then you can enjoy the extra flexibility that self-employment allows far more than you would a bit of extra money in the bank.

Objective SB (p.50)

Your class has listened to a radio discussion about the impact of technology on employment opportunities. You have made the notes below:

Impact of technology on employment opportunities:

- few jobs

- more interesting work for people

- constant need to improve skills

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

"Machines cause unemployment because they do jobs people would have done in the past"

"People are free to do more interesting tasks"

"No one will be doing the same job all their life any more"

Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which way you think is more significant and provide reasons to support your opinion.

The impact of technology on employment opportunities

Ever since the start of the Industrial Revolution, people have argued about how technology will affect employment opportunities. Some people see the impact as largely negative for the workforce while others consider the changes to be predominantly positive.

The former group of people believe that technology means that there will inevitably be a decrease in the number and types of job available as automation and the use of robots slowly but surely take over tasks that people previously earned their living from. These prophets of doom believe that it will become much harder for people to find employment and, as a result, they will have no choice but to accept lower wages and poorer working conditions.

On the other hand, some people see the impact of technology in a more optimistic light. They view the future as a golden age when more people will be able to enjoy jobs which offer much more variety and are far more intellectually stimulating because the dull monotonous job will have been automated. They also argue that advanced technology will enable people to travel and work almost wherever they like in the world.

Although I appreciate that technology takes some jobs away from people, my opinion is that jobs are now more varied and so more interesting than ever before.

cambridge grammar and vocabulary

You have listened to a radio discussion programme about the problem of young people not being prepared for employment. You have made the notes below.

Solutions to the problem of young people not being prepared for employment:

- school training programmes

- employers' programmes

- work experience

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

"Employers should not be expected to train future employees in basic skills."

"It is the responsibility of schools to prepare students for the world of work."

"Young people should realise that starting work requires commitment and a readiness to learn new skills."

Write an essay discussing two of the solutions in your notes. You should explain which solution you think is more likely to be successful, giving reasons to support your opinion.

Nowadays, it is common to hear employers complain that young people are unprepared for employment when they finish their education, a situation that is not beneficial for employers or young people. In this essay, I will suggest two possible solutions to this problem.

The first solution might be for schools and universities to make their existing courses for students more relevant to employers’ needs. To do this successfully would require rigorous planning, during which educationalists and employers’ organisations devise appropriate courses to introduce general skills needed in most working environments – skills such as language competence and computer literacy. In addition to this, young people would need to be trained in ways of relating to colleagues and to develop responsible attitudes to work.

The second solution would be for employers to provide introductory programmes for new employees. These might include general skills as well as skills specific to individual companies. Such courses would be able to provide relevant, up-to-date training. However, employers might not want to give young people on such programmes permanent jobs until they were sure that they would become successful employees. This solution might not be popular with young people themselves if they felt their positions were not secure.

In conclusion, I would suggest that improved school and university programmes would be the best solution because they would prepare young people for a variety of working environments. This would, in my opinion, also be better for employers as they would not have the expense of providing training programmes for young people who might not be suitable.

Complete Advanced (Unit 1)

Your class has taken part in a seminar on whether the education system does enough to help young people to find jobs which fit their abilities and interests. You have made the notes below.

Methods schools and universities use to help students find suitable jobs:

- providing courses and qualifications

- work experience programmes

- careers advice

Some opinion expressed in the seminar:

"We study lots of things which we'll never use in any future job"

"Without work experience you'd have no idea what to study at university"

"Some of my teachers can't give me advice because they've never done any job other than teaching".

Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which method is more effective, giving reasons in support of your answer.

For many young people, it is hard to find the sort of job they aspire to. This is in part due to a mismatch between what education provides and what employers believe they require.

Schools and universities should offer students courses which provide them with qualifications which will attract potential employers. However, employers often complain that courses are too theoretical and do not teach students the practical skills they will need in the workplace.

While I understand this viewpoint, I do not entirely share it. I believe that the purpose of education is primarily to develop critical thinking skills, including the ability to analyse and solve problems. Their abilities will be useful throughout people's working lives. To achieve this, I do not think it matters whether someone studies history or theoretical physics as long as the right teaching methods are used. Students will then pick up the specific job skills they require very quickly once they are in full-time employment.

It is often suggested that young people need to gain work experience in order to make an informed choice of university course and career. Although I believe this helps to focus students' minds on what working life will be like, generally speaking, it is not possible for students to get a wide enough range of experience to be able to choose their career wisely.

I would, therefore, argue that the best way to help young people find suitable jobs is to give them an excellent general education while ensuring that employers realise how valuable it is.

trainer (test 2)

Your class has listened to a panel discussion about how schools can best prepare young people for their future working lives. You have made the notes below:

Strategies aimed at preparing young people for their future working lives

• teaching practical skills

• providing information about jobs

• establishing links with the local community

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

"Schools should spend more time teaching practical things like car mechanics, cooking, computer programming, etc."

"Young people need to know about a wide range of possible jobs ."

"Kids should have the opportunity to get work experience in local workplaces."

Write an essay discussing two of the strategies in your notes. You should explain which strategy is most likely to be effective, giving reasons in support of your answer.

One of the essential goals of school education is to ensure that pupils are well prepared for their future lives in the workplace. This is arguably as important a task as teaching such academic subjects as history or chemistry.

There are many different ways in which schools can work towards achieving this aim. Firstly, they can make sure pupils learn basic practical skills. In the past, girls used to be taught how to knit and sew while boys learnt metalwork and carpentry. However, these days other skills such as working with spreadsheets or using computer-aided design software may be of more use to young people, both boys and girls, as they are skills that are frequently required in the modern workplace.

Another way in which schools can prepare youngsters for their working lives is by providing them with information about a wide variety of different careers. This is essential, as otherwise students would be likely. to restrict their job choices to careers already familiar to them, often because of family members' involvement in those fields. It is clearly preferable for young people to be made aware of the enormous range of types of work that is available for them to choose from.

Of the two ways outlined above, informing pupils about career opportunities is the most important. This is because, while it is certainly not impossible to learn practical skills later in life, selecting which career path you wish to follow is a decision that cannot be delayed but has to be taken as soon as you leave school.

trainer (test 1)

Your class has watched a round-table discussion about what young people can learn from older generations. You have made the notes below:

Areas where young people could learn from older generations

• work

• relationships

• money

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

"People with work experience can tell you what the job you're considering is really like."

"Older people can give wise advice when you have a problem with a friend ."

"It's hard to manage your money when you start living independently."

Write an essay discussing two of the areas in your notes. You should explain in which area young people could gain most from older generations, giving reasons in support of your answer.

It goes without saying that there are many ways in which young people can learn from the older generation. In both their work and their private lives, youngsters can benefit from the experience of their elders.

As far as work is concerned, the older generation can explain how young people can achieve the career they dream of. For example, they can recommend what to focus on in order to acquire the skills that will give them the best chance of success. They may also be able to give invaluable pointers as to which companies they would advise either applying to or, conversely, not applying to. It may even be the case that the older person will be able to use their own contacts to help the younger one to find a position.

Older people may also be able to use the benefit of their own life experience to help young people with relationship advice. It can happen that older people wish they had acted differently in their own relationships and so they may wish to encourage youngsters to avoid similar mistakes. If young people are prepared to listen to this kind of advice, it may well prove useful for them.

Of the two areas of life discussed above, I think young people can learn most from the older generation in the field of work. After all, no relationship is the same and so what might be right in one situation might not in another. Advice relating to careers is more likely to be relevant to a variety of differing contexts.

Compact Advanced (Writing reference)

You have attended a panel discussion on ways in which the needs of an ageing population can be met. You have made the notes below.

Ways in which the needs of an ageing population can be met

• more residential care homes

• more jobs available for elderly people

• more entertainment

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

“I’d rather get help in my own home than move into a care home.”

“Work gives people a way of organising their day.”

“Too many forms of entertainment are intended for young people.”

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the ways in your notes. You should explain which way you think is more important giving reasons to support your opinion.

As medicine develops, life expectancy rises, increasing the proportion of the population over the age of 65. This presents numerous challenges for society as a whole, in areas ranging from healthcare to transport, and no country has fully come to grips with the issues involved.

Many more people survive strokes, heart attacks and other diseases than in the past, but they may suffer from impaired health and require assistance in some form. One solution is residential care homes, with trained support available round the clock. A major drawback, however, is the shortage of affordable places. Despite the high cost, governments should provide more homes, and, if necessary, subsidise the residents. Without this intervention, moving to a home would be out of reach of many people, who risk ending up without the support they need.

In connection with the question of work, for many elderly people retirement brings empty days to fill, without the income required to pass the time enjoyably. Having a job can provide a structure that might once have seemed very demanding, but is now missed. Some people would rather work, perhaps from home, and perhaps part-time. Such activity could be organised at a local or even national level, with employers offering tasks that are suitable for retired people.

Much could be done to meet the needs of an ageing population, and it is hard to prioritise just one area. Nevertheless, I believe that having an adequate number of places in residential care homes to meet demand is probably the most important, as health is a fundamental need.

Compact Advanced (unit 10 WB)

Your class has attended a panel discussion on the qualities that make a good leader. You have made the notes below.

Personal qualities important in a successful leader

- communicates effectively

- is persuasive

- inspires others

Some opinions expressed in the discussion

'People recognise leadership when they see it'

'Leaders arise from particular circumstances'

'The key to successful leadership is influence not authority'

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the qualities in your notes. You should explain which quality you think is more important in a successful leader, giving reasons to support your opinion.

In all organisations, from clubs to business and governments, leaders play an important part in the success or failure of that organisation. Although many people believe that leaders emerge naturally from situations, how effective a leader is depends largely, I believe, on personal qualities. In this essay, I will discuss some of the qualities often associated with leaders, and say which I think is the most important.

It is often said that no leader can be successful, whatever their ideas, if they are unable to communicate effectively with the people in the organisation they are leading. Whether we think of a primary school head teacher or a political leader, the ability to convey ideas to those in the organisation who will have to put them into practice is essential. There are many ways of communicating with others, but in my opinion there is no substitute for face-to-face contact.

This brings me to my second quality: the ability to persuade. Assuming a leader can communicate effectively, he or she must be able to persuade others that he has good ideas. Leaders should not rely on personal charm or their authority; they should be capable of putting over ideas in a way which will convince others that they are right.

To conclude, I believe that successful leaders are those who can influence the people they lead by communicating idea persuasively and on a personal level. In any kind of democratic organisation, a leader who is not able to do this will be replaced.