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В чём разница между attend и visit ?

Attend и visit - оба слова переводятся как "посещать", давайте разберемся в чём же разница.

Attend - это присутствовать где-либо

Visit - пойти куда-то или к кому-то и оставаться там какое-то время (обычно непродолжительное)

attend - be present
> attend school = go to school every day, be present in school
> attend a funeral = go to a funeral and be present for the entire ceremony

visit - go somewhere or to a person and stay for a short period of time
> visit the grandparents = go to the grandparents and stay there for a short while
> visit Rome = go to Rome and stay there for a short while

As a noun "visit" means a short presence somewhere:
pay a visit to someone's grave - go to someone's grave and stay there for a short while to show respect
daily visit - a short presence somewhere that happens daily ( for example doctor's visit at the hospital )
visiting hours - the hours in which people can go to a place and stay there to see others ( hospitals ) or to deal with business

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