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Турецкий журнал в Скопус, третий квартиль (урология), Turkish Journal of Urology

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам турецкое научное издание Turkish Journal of Urology. Журнал имеет третий квартиль, издаётся в Aves, находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2022 г. равен 0,333, печатный ISSN - 2149-3057, электронный - 2149-3235, предметные области - Урология, Урология и нефрология. Вот так выглядит обложка:

Редактором является Атеш Кадиоглу, контактные данные - itfabd@istanbul.edu.tr, editor@urologyresearchandpractice.org, uroturk@uroturk.org.tr, team4@avesyayincilik.com.


Целью журнала является внесение вклада в литературу путем публикации высококачественных научных статей, а также обзоров, редакционных статей, писем в редакцию и отчетов о случаях. Целевая аудитория включает специалистов-урологов, стипендиатов медицинских специальностей, других специалистов и практикующих врачей, интересующихся областью урологии.

Пример статьи, название - Preservation of Erectile and Ejaculatory Functions After Tetramodal Bladder-Sparing Therapy Incorporating Consolidative Partial Cystectomy Against Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. Заголовок (Abstract)

Objective: To cross-sectionally assess erectile and ejaculatory functions after tetramodal bladder-sparing therapy consisting of transurethral resection, chemoradiotherapy, and consolidative partial cystectomy in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer.

Materials and Methods: Among 72 enrolled male patients who underwent tetramodal bladder-sparing therapy from 2006 to 2019, 42 who visited the outpatient clinic from February to October 2020 received questionnaires. Erectile function, ejaculatory function, and quality of life were assessed using the International Index of Erectile Function short form, the Male Sexual Health Questionnaire Ejaculatory Dysfunction short form, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy.

Results: Among the 42 patients, 9 were excluded because of incomplete responses and 33 were eligible for analyses. The median (range) age at survey and the time from treatment completion to responding to the questionnaires was 70 (50-87) years and 4.2 (0.4-14.0) years, respectively. The median International Index of Erectile Function short form-5 score was 11 (5-25), and 3 (9.1%) and 9 (27.3%) patients had no and mild erectile dysfunction, respectively. The Male Sexual Health Questionnaire Ejaculatory Dysfunction short form results showed that 23 (69.7%) patients responded that they could ejaculate. Patients with higher Male Sexual Health Questionnaire Ejaculatory Dysfunction short form scores had better erectile function and quality of life than those with lower Male Sexual Health Questionnaire Ejaculatory Dysfunction short form scores.

Conclusion: Preservation of erectile and ejaculatory functions was demonstrated in muscle invasive bladder cancer patients treated with tetramodal bladder-sparing therapy. In addition to lower urinary tract function, preservation of male sexual function, especially ejaculatory function, in bladder-sparing therapy can be an advantage over radical cystectomy.

Keywords: Bladder-sparing therapy, erection, ejaculation, male sexual function, muscle invasive bladder cancer

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