Сегодня мы выполняем упражнение с английскими выражениями ~to be afraid~ и ~to have a fear of~. Оно состоит из двух частей. В первой части необходимо придумать информацию о вымышленных людях, во второй - о самих себе. Выбирайте любую, которая вам интересна.
Task. Fill in the blanks using the examples.
1. Jane is going for a job interview tomorrow. She's afraid that...
2. Phil is afraid of public speaking. He has stage fright. He's afraid to...
3. It's hard to talk Betty into ... because she's afraid of extreme rides.
4. It's hard to talk Paul into... because he has a dreadful fear of snakes.
5. Mary has a dreadful fear of ghosts. She's afraid to...
6. Amy is extremely shy. She's afraid to...
7. David becomes terrified or frightened every time... because he's afraid of confined spaces.
8. Nancy is getting married soon. She's afraid that...
9. It's hard to talk Ann into... because she has a dreadful fear of the dark.
10. Michael is taking an important test tomorrow. He's afraid that...
1. It's hard to talk me into... because I'm afraid of...
2. I have a dreadful fear of... I'm afraid to...
3. It's not hard to talk me into... because I have no fear of...
4. I become terrified or frightened when... I'm afraid that...
5. Very soon I'm ... I'm afraid that...
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