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Монолог по теме "Travelling" (задание 3 устной части ОГЭ по английскому)

Как известно, в 2020 году в ОГЭ по английскому языку появятся изменения. Коснутся они и устной части: в плане монологического высказывания появится четвертый пункт "your attitude", для раскрытия которого учащимся нужно будет высказать свое отношение к обсуждаемой теме.

Сегодня приведу пример монологического высказывания по теме "Путешествия

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

  • why most people like travelling
  • which season is the best for travelling in your opinion
  • what means of transport is the best, and why
  • what your attitude towards travelling is

I am going to give a talk about travelling as it is a very interesting topic to discuss. There is no doubt that visiting different places within your own country and abroad is a really popular pastime nowadays.

Speaking about the reasons why most people like travelling, I would like to emphasize the most important ones. Firstly, it is a great way to learn more about different countries and their customs. Secondly, it is a really exciting activity. Finally, it`s a good chance to practise foreign languages.

In my opinion, the best season for travelling is spring. The weather in spring is pleasant, it`s not very cold and it`s not boiling hot, so tourists can comfortably explore all natural and cultural sights they visit.

As for the best means of transport, I strongly believe that travelling by plane is the greatest option. It is fast, safe and incredibly comfortable. You can cover long distances in a short time and feel fresh and energetic after your journey

As for me, I am really fond of visiting different places in my country and abroad. I strongly believe that travelling is a hobby that will never lose its popularity because people are curious and always eager to explore new places. That`s all I wanted to say.".

Монологи по 16 темам устной речи, составленные по ВСЕМ заданиям 3 открытого банка fipi, дополненные вопросами электронного ассистента (задание 2) и отобранными по темам заданиями по письму, Вы сможете найти в моем пособии, представленном в VK магазине ProEnglish.