LED screens is not only edition release diods. When you use LED panels and separate LEDs, you can design unique advertising tools and art objects. Generality of technology allows you to implement the most create ideas.
LED mouth light
One of the most unusual uses for diodes is LED mouth lighting. That is how the lead singer of the Rammstein group Till Lindemann decided to diversify his image. For filming one of the clips, the musician installed a frame with LEDs in his mouth. To do this, he had to make a through hole in the cheek, through which the supply wire was removed. It looked very impressive, but the hole did not heal well and gave Till a lot of inconvenience, so later on the tour he connected the "light" through wires in the corner of his mouth.
New Year's ball in Times Square
“Ball of time” established in New-York is one of main symbol New Year for inhabitant megapolis. Every year that descends a special flagpole, symbolizing the coming of the new year. That tradition mor 100 years! And if at the beginning of the last century, incandescent lamps were used to create a glow, today LEDs are used for this purpose. Diameter of ball 3.6meters, and the number of LEDs reaches 32 thousand!
LED panels for aquariums
LED panels are rapidly gaining popularity among aquarists. The light emitted by the diodes is great for growing corals. It is incredibly difficult to achieve stable growth of these organisms in artificial conditions. And LEDs help create the ideal conditions for this. In addition to the required level of illumination, they also do not affect the temperature regime, since the diode panels do not heat up during operation.
City of LED screens
Chinese Shenzhen is called the real megalopolis of LED screens. A city with a population of 15 million people is simply "stuffed" with LED displays, because this is where 70% of all LED screens in the world are produced. The number of diode manufacturers in Shenzhen reaches 6 hundred! Our manufacture of LED modules is located right here too. Components for LED screens are produced on a dedicated production line, and after that they are sent to Russia, where the assembly of ready-made displays for individual orders is carried out in the GTLight workshop.