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New models of video cubes for stadiums: what is installed at the largest sports arenas
A sports video cube in the classical sense is a design of 4 LED screens located at right angles to each other. However, such simple models can be found in stadiums less and less. Modern technologies make it possible to design media cubes of much more complex shapes, including those with curved edges, LED rings, transformers, etc. Design features of LED cubes The LED media cube is a complex system consisting of many elements. The weight of the LED cube for the stadium is 4-5 tons on average. And...
2 года назад
LED portals between cities - a digital novelty from GTLight
Digital teleconferences between cities have ceased to be an attribute of science fiction novels. GTLight presents a line of LED equipment for creating LED portals that can connect different cities and countries. We are confident that our novelty will become a symbol of the unity of peoples in the complex modern realities. The GTLight range includes several standard options for LED portals. Also, our specialists are ready to develop an individual project of a digital portal, taking into account the characteristics of the urban environment...
3 года назад
Where to Buy 3D LED Screen: Key Points to Choose
3D effect LED screen is a new type of display that allows you to create the effect of a three-dimensional image without the use of special glasses. Compared to a conventional 3D LED screen, it provides a realistic visual experience that is much more impressive than watching 3D movies in a theater. A professionally made video will turn the screen into a voluminous multimedia space for displaying advertising (or other content) to a fundamentally higher level, inaccessible to others. Content: 1. 3D screen as a way to make a building popular...
3 года назад
Transparent media facade selection guide
Transparent media facade - acrylic LED facade, which differs from conventional rack models in a high percentage of transparency. Such media facades are often installed on windows and other glass structures. The low weight and thickness of the blocks are also advantages for mounting on lightweight structures with low bearing capacity. To understand what kind of media facade is needed in each specific situation, let's look at what models of acrylic media facades GTLight can offer today. Outdoor and indoor The first thing to decide is the installation location...
3 года назад
Airport electronic scoreboard: expert consultation of the LED scoreboard manufacturer
One of the latest projects of GTLight is a scoreboard for the airport. Volynov in Kuzbass. The design of the supporting metal structure has already been developed and work has begun on the production of components. Information boards for transport in our company are often ordered, and regular customers know that it is the electronic boards of the GT Light that are designed specifically for integration with the internal information systems of the airport. Airport LED Signs LED information board is a mandatory attribute of any airport terminal...
3 года назад
Stage LED screens have become one of the most popular products of the GT Light in the first half of 2021
The list of GTLight products includes more than 30 items. Every year we compile a rating of the products that are most demanded by our customers. The interim results of 2021 showed that most often over the past 6 months they ordered LED stage screens, the vast majority of which are interior. Features of Stage LED Display: Pixel pitch up to 5 mm. As a rule, the pixel pitch of the LED scene is even smaller - 1-3 mm. This is due to the fact that in small recreation centers the distance to the first...
3 года назад
How to choose a weight control board?
Last year, the State Duma adopted a bill prescribing to equip all automatic weight control points with special displays. How to choose an LED weight control board? Thinking that this is just an LED display that can be connected to weighing equipment is a mistake. The weight display is significantly different from a conventional LED screen, moreover, for its correct operation, a specially developed software is required. What is the difference between a weight control board and an outdoor LED screen?...
3 года назад
How to choose acoustics for a stadium
Sounding a stadium is a difficult task. The sound in the stadium must meet the requirements of sports leagues and provide a comfortable environment for fans. Getting sound into a stadium requires a lot of preparatory work. GT Light specialists will prepare a project, carry out all the necessary measurements and develop a plan for the arrangement of equipment. Before purchasing equipment, acoustic measurements are taken, on the basis of which a 3D model of the sports facility is created. Reverberation...
3 года назад
New: ultra-thin transparent LED screen
Introducing a new thin and light transparent LED display - a high-tech solution for installation on glazed surfaces. The novelty allows you to turn a shop window, entrance lobby, glass partition or ordinary window into a unique advertising medium that is more valuable than standard advertising spaces. 1. You can use surfaces inaccessible to conventional media (glass). Transparent LED screen is an affordable innovation for businesses of any format and scale. The "transparent" base gives the impression of an image floating in the air...
3 года назад
Prices for LED screens: experts recommend buying without waiting for the peak of the crisis
The increasing cost of LED screens is a question that worries not only customers, but also manufacturers. Manufacturers are forced to recalculate prices for the same projects literally every few days. Agreements with clients, reached a few months ago, are bursting at the seams. Both parties have claims to each other. Government purchases remain unfulfilled. Stanislav Khlynovsky, Commercial Director of the Russian manufacturer of LED screens and media facades of the company GT Light, will help us...
3 года назад
What is the difference between GTLight LED road signs and ordinary screens?
We were prompted to write this article by numerous questions from customers about the differences in the cost of boards from different manufacturers. And the first thing that needs to be said is that the differences in cost in this case are 100% justified. By ordering a road sign from a reliable company specializing in the manufacture of non-standard equipment, you get confidence in the reliability of products and savings during operation. The federal highway, not to mention the usual country road, is far from a resort...
3 года назад