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Перевод на английский: Мой друг (лучше всех играет блюз) (Машина Времени)


He's a drinker, and going old.

Pockets empty, and collar popped.

Always "on edge", so don't come near.

"English way" is his way to leave.


Yet this friend of mine rocks the blues like no one can.

No one near or far rocks the blues like this man can.


"Clever speaking" he barely knows.

He thinks you're all a bunch of a-holes.

At his funeral he'd still be playing.

To applauding he gives no damn,


Yet this friend of mine rocks the blues like no one can.

No one near or far rocks the blues like this man can.


All night whizzing, all day hoarse.

Someone's living, someone's gone.

His life is falling, it's imminent,

From saxophone to knife and stabs.


Yet this friend of mine rocks the blues like no one can.

No one near or far rocks the blues like this man can.


He's a drinker, and going old.

Pockets empty, and collar popped.

His life is falling, it's imminent,

From saxophone to knife and stabs*.


Yet this friend of mine rocks the blues like no one can.

No one near or far rocks the blues like this man can.


Фото с обложки альбома "Внештатный командир Земли".
Фото с обложки альбома "Внештатный командир Земли".

*Фраза "от саксофона до ножа - один шаг", как считается, была сказана А. А. Ждановым в его речи, провозглашавшей борьбу с джазом в СССР.