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The big war in the Middle East will begin on the 20th of April.

Besides you, my dear friends, my writings are read by people close to me, including my parents, wearing a foil hat before doing that. With close friends and parents, we regularly discuss all these topics in private conversations. My mom didn't catch the meaning of the article about “Red heifer”. Even though she was wearing a hat. And she gets all these topics, may every reader have a score of such. From which I made the conclusion (perhaps unfounded one) that a good half of the subscribers also did not get into the topic about “Red heifer". Perhaps they just missed earlier publications on this topic.

Explaining right now. Religious schizoids, which, to put it mildly, have an impact on political processes in the world, in particular, in our country, in the United States and in Israel, back in September last year, brought special genetically grown red (or ginger, whichever you like) cows from the United States to Israel. “Red heifers" are mentioned in the Old Testament, in the Book of Numbers. It says that you need to find a red-haired “burenka” (Russian red cow) (strictly a girl, without flaws, without hair of a different color ...), burn her at the stake in front of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and mix the ashes with water and use this mixture to cleanse the holy land, on which the third Temple should be recreated. Well, like, God told the Israelites so.

Sectarians firmly believe that the ritual sacrifice of red heifers is the fulfillment of a prophecy, without which the third Temple will not be built and their messiah will not appear. And they are very much waiting for this and bring this event closer with their rituals. It is not necessary to explain who the sectarians consider the Messiah. Orthodox people, for sure, know. 

It will be the tenth such ceremony. The first red “burenka” was burned by Moses himself, the second by the prophet Ezra in the Temple of Solomon, seven other red “burenkas” were burned already in the second Temple. Since the destruction of the second Temple in 70 BC, the cows have passed the fate of being burned. For more than two thousand years, the red “burenkas” lived quietly and now, again.

The sectarians plan to burn the cows on the Jewish holiday of Passover. This year it is celebrated from April 21st to 29th. 

It's impossible to talk about all this sectarian schizophrenia without humor, but there's really not much fun. Let me remind you that the on the ruins of the first and second Temples now the Al-Aqsa Mosque settles, the third holiest site of Islam, after the al-Haram Mosque in Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina.

Given the specifics of the region and the current market situation, the easiest way to free a construction site from “everything superfluous” is to explode a rocket or some kind of powerful bomb.

Of course, Israel will not carry out the bomb drop on the al-Aqsa Mosque. The holy Israeli government, being puppets of religious sectarians from Chabad, is not capable of such a thing. After all, you and I do not believe in all these conspiracy tales that the attack on Israel by barefoot boys from Hamas*, on October 7, 2023, was fully prepared and carried out by the Israeli special services. So and now, Iran will strike. Well, remember how it was with Iraq under Saddam: if you were appointed to the role of the “bad guy”, then it absolutely does not matter that you are white, fluffy and almost holy. There is Hamas at the music festival near the Regime, Al-Qaeda at the WTC tower in New York, and Iran will be on the Temple Mount. Well, you get it.

Tehran will begin bombing Jerusalem in response to the bombed, on April 1, the Iranian embassy in Damascus. They will accidentally miss by hitting the Mosque on the Temple Mount. Iran will carry out this treacherous attack on Israel on the Jewish holy holiday of Passover, i.e. from April 21 to 29. Well, then no one will figure it out: whose rocket was, which side it came from, etc. Tel Aviv de jure will provide an alibi for itself, since the missiles will be launched from the territory of Iran (well, or at least from the side of Iran), and the Muslim population of the countries of the region simply does not delve into all these subtleties.

I already warned you last year from trips to Israel and neighboring countries. Now I will only repeat that it is better to refrain from traveling to Middle Eastern countries and consider other directions. Moreover, it is not a fact that everyone there will be against Israel. Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar are 100% satellites of the United States. Although, deep down, they are, of course, united with the entire Islamic community of the region. 

Take care of yourself!

* Terrorist organization prohibited in the Russian Federation.