Приветствую Вас в моем мастер-классе, где Вы поднимете свои навыки общения на английском до новых высот! Заметив, как часто в процессе обучения и практики английского языка возникает желание углубить знания и перейти к следующему уровню, я предлагаю своим учениками шагнуть дальше. Забудьте о простых и избитых фразах. Пора расширять горизонты с продвинутыми выражениями, которые не только обогатят Ваш лексикон, но и сделают Ваши диалоги более естественными и интересными.
В конце статьи Вас ждет серия упражнений, составленных мной лично, с учетом глубокого понимания процесса изучения английского языка и моего собственного опыта. Ваш учебный процесс становится особенным, благодаря уникальности этих упражнений, наполненных личным опытом и живым подходом к обучению.
1. "What brings you here today?" – "Что привело тебя сюда сегодня?": идеальный вопрос для начала разговора с незнакомцем в неформальной обстановке.
2. "I couldn't help but notice your interest in... May I ask what you find fascinating about it?" – "Не мог не заметить, что ты интересуешься... Не могу не спросить, что тебе в этом нравится?": отличный способ начать беседу, основываясь на замеченных интересах собеседника.
Погружение в диалог
3. "Your perspective on... is quite intriguing. Could you delve a bit deeper into that?" – "Твое видение... довольно интригующее. Не мог бы ты глубже раскрыть эту тему?": это предложение поможет перевести разговор на более глубинный уровень и показать твой интерес к мнению собеседника.
4. "How do you reconcile with...?" – "Как ты находишь компромисс с...?": используй это выражение, чтобы изучить мнения собеседника о спорных или сложных вопросах.
Обмен мнениями
5. "I'm on the fence about..., what's your take on it?" – "Я пока не определился по поводу..., каково твое мнение?": это выражение поможет начать обмен мнениями по любому интересному вопросу.
6. "This conversation sheds new light on... for me." – "Этот разговор в новом свете показал мне...": отличная фраза для выражения благодарности за новую информацию или перспективу.
Завершение беседы
7. "I've thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. We must pick this up another time." – "Мне очень понравилась наша беседа. Нам следует продолжить в другой раз":
вежливый и приятный способ подчеркнуть интерес к дальнейшему общению.
8. "Before we part, could I grab your contact details? There’s a lot more I’d love to discuss with you." – "Прежде чем мы разойдемся, можно мне взять твои контактные данные? Есть еще много того, о чем я бы хотел с тобой поговорить":
отличный способ перейти к обмену контактами с целью будущего общения.
Используйте эти фразы, чтобы сделать свои англоязычные диалоги более плодотворными и интересными. Помните, что ключ к успешному общению – это не только знание языка, но и искренний интерес и умение слушать. Смело внедряйте английский в свое общение!
Упражнение 1. Тест для тренировки навыков общения
Заполните пропуск подходящей фразой или словом из предложенного списка. Ответы находятся внизу страницы.
A) "What brought you here today?"
B) "Couldn't help but notice you're interested in..."
C) "Your perspective on... is quite intriguing. Could you delve deeper into this topic?"
D) "How do you find a compromise with...?"
E) "I haven't made up my mind about..., what's your take?"
F) "This conversation has shown me... in a new light."
G) "I really enjoyed our talk. We should continue this another time."
H) "Before we part ways, may I have your contact information?"
1. Approaching a group of people talking about the latest scientific discoveries, you want to join the conversation. You start with: "__________"
2. Your interlocutor shared a unique view on contemporary art, and you want to learn more. You ask: "__________"
3. Discussing a new technological product, you realize your conversation partner has a different view. You ask: "__________"
4. In the midst of a discussion on ecology, you're unsure of your stance and want to hear someone else's opinion. You say: "__________"
5. At the end of a dialogue about music, you feel gratitude for new insights. You express it by saying: "__________"
6. After a deep and engaging conversation about travels, you don't want to lose touch with your conversation partner. You suggest: "__________"
7. Meeting an interesting person at a conference, you want to find out what brought them here. You ask: "__________"
8. After exchanging views on the latest book releases, you feel like you want to continue the discussion in the future. You say: "__________"
Упражнение 2. Построение беседы
Вы только что посетили художественную выставку, посвященную современному искусству в области окружающей среды, и заметили человека, который, похоже, в равной степени очарован представленными работами. Вы решаете завязать разговор.
Вы только что посетили выставку, посвященную последним достижениям в области технологий, связанных с экологией, и заметили человека, который, похоже, в равной степени очарован представленными инновациями. Вы решаете завязать разговор.
Part 1: Starting the Conversation
1. You: What brought you to this exhibition today?
Stranger: I've always been passionate about _________ (1. environmental initiatives / 2. modern technologies), and this exhibition seems to be the perfect combination of both.
2. You: I couldn't help but notice your interest in developing from _________ (1. Innovative Technical Solutions / 2. Eco Smart Technology). May I ask what attracted you to this?
Stranger: The way developers use _________ (1. recycled materials / 2. renewable energy) to solve environmental problems, really outstanding.
Part 2: Diving Deeper into the Dialogue
3. You: Your perspective on the role of technology in environmental activism is extremely interesting. Could you tell me more about this?
Stranger: Of course, I believe that technology has power _________ (1. to evoke emotions / 2. to provoke thoughts) in a way that cannot be achieved with simple data.
4. You: How do you feel about the argument that technology is too abstract to effectively convey environmental messages?
Stranger: I think it is the abstraction of technology that allows us to achieve _________ (1. a broader discussion / 2. a more personal connection) with the audience.
Part 3: Exchanging Opinions
5. You: I can't decide yet whether technology can really inspire specific environmental actions. What is your opinion on this?
Stranger: From my point of view, even if technology inspires one person _________ (1. change your habits / 2. Support environmental initiatives), they serve a significant purpose.
6. You: This conversation has opened up new opportunities for technology for environmental activism for me.
Stranger: I'm glad to hear that. It's always a pleasure _________ (1. exchange ideas / 2. Learn from different points of view).
Part 4: Concluding the Conversation
7. You: I really enjoyed our conversation. We should continue another time.
Stranger: Of course, it was a pleasure to discuss these topics with someone like that _________ (1. curious / 2. involved).
8. You: Before we part ways, can I take your contact details? I have many more topics that I would like to discuss with you.
Stranger: Of course, here's my _________ (1. LinkedIn / 2. phone number). I look forward to our further discussions.
Упражнение 3. Диалог
Вы находитесь на мероприятии по своим интересам (выставка, научная конференция, литературный фестиваль, и т.д.). Ваша задача – познакомиться с новыми людьми, используя предложенные вами фразы для развития диалога. Напишите в комментариях текст разговора между Вами и незнакомцем, вставляя соответствующие фразы в подходящие места диалога.
Me: What brought you here today?
Stranger: I've always been a fan of classical music, and when I heard about today's concert, I just couldn't miss it.
Me: I couldn't help but notice you have an interest in classical music... I can't help but ask, what do you like about it?
Stranger: Classical music for me is depth and space. It allows me to feel and understand all facets of human emotions...
Me: Your view on classical music is quite intriguing. Could you elaborate on this topic?
Stranger: Certainly, classical music opens up a world where every note and pause has meaning... (explains their point of view in detail)...
Me: How do you find a compromise with modern music?
Stranger: I think it's important to appreciate the diversity of musical forms and understand that every genre has its place and significance...
Me: I'm still undecided about classical music, what's your opinion?
Stranger: In my opinion, classical music offers an endless variety of compositions that can elevate us to a new level of art appreciation...
Me: This conversation has shown me classical music in a new light.
Stranger: It was a pleasure to share my thoughts. It was also interesting to hear your reflections.
Me: I really enjoyed our conversation. We should continue another time.
Stranger: Oh, certainly. Here are my contacts.
Me: Before we part ways, may I take your contact information? There's so much more I'd like to discuss with you.
Stranger: Of course, here's my phone number. It would be wonderful to continue our conversation.
Упражнение 1
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. E
5. F
6. H
7. A
8. G
Упражнение 2
Part 1: Starting the Conversation
1. You: What brought you to this exhibition today?
Stranger: I've always been passionate about modern technologies, and this exhibition seems to be the perfect combination of both.
2. You: I couldn't help but notice your interest in developing from Eco Smart Technology. May I ask what attracted you to this?
Stranger: The way developers use renewable energy to solve environmental problems, really outstanding.
Part 2: Diving Deeper into the Dialogue
3. You: Your perspective on the role of technology in environmental activism is extremely interesting. Could you tell me more about this?
Stranger: Of course, I believe that technology has power to provoke thoughts in a way that cannot be achieved with simple data.
4. You: How do you feel about the argument that technology is too abstract to effectively convey environmental messages?
Stranger: I think it is the abstraction of technology that allows us to achieve a more personal connection with the audience.
Part 3: Exchanging Opinions
5. You: I can't decide yet whether technology can really inspire specific environmental actions. What is your opinion on this?
Stranger: From my point of view, even if technology inspires one person to change your habits, they serve a significant purpose.
6. You: This conversation has opened up new opportunities for technology for environmental activism for me.
Stranger: I'm glad to hear that. It's always a pleasure to exchange ideas.
Part 4: Concluding the Conversation
7. You: I really enjoyed our conversation. We should continue another time.
Stranger: Of course, it was a pleasure to discuss these topics with someone like that curious.
8. You: Before we part ways, can I take your contact details? I have many more topics that I would like to discuss with you.
Stranger: Of course, here's my phone number. I look forward to our further discussions.
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