Смотрите английские тесты для продолжающих Часть 5
Добрый день, дорогие читатели. Предлагаем вашему вниманию английские тесты уровня В1-В2. Для более объективной оценки результатов предлагаются 5-6 вариантов ответа.
Предполагается, что ученик будет пользоваться англо-русским словарём.
Желаю вам успехов!
English Tests Part 6
1. Is this ___ article you wrote last night?
а) a
b) the
c) -
d) this
e) that
f) some
2. I could pay ___, because I liked it.
a) as much twice
b) twice much
c) much twice
d) times two
e) once as much
f) twice as much
3. They are ___ my other neighbours.
a) more friendly than
b) friendly than
c) friendlier as
d) as friendly than
e) more frienlier than
f) as friendlier as
4. ___ the worse I feel.
a) When I take more medicine
b) The more medicine I take
c) The more I take
d) More medicine taken
e) Less medicine taken
f) As more medicine I take
g) As far medicine I take
5. His car runs ___ a race car.
a) as fast as
b) as quick as
c) that fast as
d) faster as
e) faster like
f) quicker as
6. ___, the earlier you will arrive.
a) leave the sooner
b) left sooner
c) you left sooner
d) as soon as you leave
e) the sooner you leave
f) sooner or later
g) the soon you leave
7. Bob is ___ Richard.
a) as athletic like
b) so athletic as
c) more athletic than
d) less athletic as
e) not as athletic
f) more athletic as
8. I don’t know where ___.
a) did he go
b) he went
c) went he
d) was he going
e) yesterday he went
f) is he going
9. I am not sure which ___ .
a) countries does this river flow through
b) through countries does this river flow.
c) countries this river flows through
d) countries has this river flown through.
e) does this river countries flow through
f) of the countries does the river flow
10. Nobody knows what ___ .
a) went wrong with her last marriage.
b) did go wrong with her last marriage
c) did anything go wrong with her last marriage
d) did go wrong her last marriage with
e) her last marriage went wrong with.
11. ___ Einstein speak English when he went to live in the USA?
a) can
b) could
c) must
d) should
e) Ought
f) had to
12. Mary ___ swim when she was three
a) should
b) may
c) ought to
d) has to
e) could
13. She ___ swim really well when she was just eighteen months old.
a) must
b) had to
c) ought to
d) was able to
e) should
f) need
14. When I was at school we ___ do homework every night.
a) must
b) had to
c) ought to
d) was able to
e) should
f) need
15. You ___ be joking. No one buys two Rolls Royces.
a) must
b) has to
c) ought to
d) was able to
e) should
f) need
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