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Описание диаграммы в ЕГЭ-2023. Пример.

Как описывать диаграмму? Ловите полезные клише для описания задания 38.

Вступление (make an opening statement on the subject of the project). Здесь надо упомянуть, что вы делаете проект, нашли материалы к нему и сейчас про это будете рассказывать.

  • It goes without saying that (тема проекта) has been the subject of heated disputes recently
  • Nowadays, there is a growing concern about
  • My current project is aimed at finding out what …..(in Zetland). I have found some data presented in the form of the pie chart on the subject – the results of the opinion poll. As part of my project I am going to analyse statistics and present my findings.

Основные факторы (select and report 2-3 facts). Надо проанализировать данные, указав любые 2-3 характеристики.

  • According to the data, one of the most significant facts is that the majority of the respondents (78%) …
  • Another striking feature is that….
  • The information given in the table clearly illustrates the popularity of….On the contrary, we can see that

Cравнения c комментариями (make 1-2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments). Хочу сразу заметить, что если вы делаете 2 сравнения, то комментарий достаточно дать по одному пункту.

  • It is worth mentioning that the number of…is slightly lower than the number of. It can be seen
  • from the data that the percentage of the respondent doing…..(22%) is almost twice as large as that doing…(10%). Such a tendency can be explained by the fact that….Obviously, it proves еhat…

Проблема и решение (outline a problem that can arise with…and suggest a way of solving it). Проблема может быть как в статистике, так и в теме проекта.

  • However, there might be a problem that can arise with…To tackle this problem,….
  • Having analyzed the data I can see that there is a problem that may arise/might occur.
  • Nevertheless, I believe that there is a possible solution to the problem.

Заключение и свое мнение (conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of …) Личное мнение автора по теме проекта и заключение (мнение может быть не связано с данными таблицы)

  • To conclude, I am convinced that the role of… cannot be overestimated. In conclusion, I believe that… Not only does it help to…, but it also makes….

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