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Advanced Grammar for IELTS


Какие продвинутые структуры принесут максимальный балл на IELTS?

Грамматика несет в себе 25% балла по устной и письменной части IELTS, что делает этот аспект важной составляющей успеха на тесте.

Этот критерий состоит из двух аспектов: range & accuracy. Мало просто говорить без ошибок, для IELTS нужно показать широкий диапазон Advanced Grammar.

Посмотрим на официальные IELTS BAND DESCRIPTORS по критерию Grammar:


На семь баллов по IELTS Writing, необходимо "Use a variety of complex structures", на восесь - использовать эти разнообразные Advanced Grammar structures "flexibly and accurately".

Рассмотрим структуры Advanced Grammar, которые помогут вам получить заветный балл.

Advanced Grammar structures for IELTS writing and speaking



Инверсии используются преимущественно в письменной речи для создания EMPHATIC EFFECT.

Инверсии в IELTS Эссе:

Only with a strong academic performance can a child hope to advance as an adult.

Little do people appreciate natural resources until they are depleted.

Not only does school uniform improve academic performance, but it also maintains discipline.

Not only is online shopping time-saving, but it is also stress-free.

Инверсии в IELTS письмах:

Hardly had I boarded the plane when it took off.

[!] Инверсии не используются в графиках.



Другой структурой, относящейся к Advanced Grammar, является пассивный залог. PASSIVE VOICE характерен для формального академического стиля, поэтому используется в эссе, формальных письмах и графиках.

Passive в IELTS эссе:

School uniform is often believed to improve academic performance.

At present, internet-based retailers are preferred by increasing number of customers.

Passive в IELTS письмах:

As you were informed, ...

As discussed, ...

My baggage must have been left in ...

Passive в IELTS графиках:

As observed,

X is reported to have increased by ...

At the next stage, water is heated by ... (diagrams)

The park had been completely reconstructed (maps)



Conditional in IELTS эссе:


If people are shown consequences of their actions, they will reconsider the importance of the natural world.


If it were not for school uniform, students would pay more attention to social disparities.


Were it not for confidentiality facilitated by online shops, many would be deprived of the chance to shop for intimate goods, be it lingerie or medical goods, without being watched or judged.


If required measures had been taken, the pollution rate would not be as high as it is now.

Conditional in IELTS письмах:

Should you require any additional information, please contact me ...

I wish I could join you in this trip, but ...

[!] Условные предложения не используются в графиках.

Выбор Advanced Grammar в IELTS зависит от темы эссе или письма, например, Conditionals часто используется в Solution essays:

If we do not tackle this problem now, we will face ...

Инверсии в IELTS можно использовать для подчеркивания в "current trends" эссе:

Never before being your own boss has been as accessible as in today's digitalized society



Еще одним типом Advanced Grammar в IELTS являются различные виды причастных оборотов:

The Present Participle:

Living in isolated villages, people may have access to education.

Having no access to education, many are likely to end up in poverty.

The Past Participle:

Broken by years of warfare, Britain was almost bankrupt in 1945.

The Perfect Participle:

Having graduated from school, many children consider enrollment at a college.

By investing money in education, our society ensures social prosperity. - present

With passive:

(While) doing shopping online, people can buy any goods without being watched or judged.

With modals:

Not having to rush or battle for a parking place, internet shoppers are empowered to relish laid-back shopping experience when any item is immediately accessible with just a clisk or two.

Participle phrases in IELTS Task 1:

Having reached a peak of ..., X dropped to its minimum at ...

X increased, reaching its highest point at ...

Commuter train was reported to be the safest way of commuting with the number of accidents and injuries not exceeding 20 PMT.

Being a mom, I'm often snowed under at home.

Having been a loyal customer of Barclays Bank for more than 44 years, I hope to ...

Having arrived at home, I realized ...

5. Cleft sentences in IELTS Writing


Еще одной эмфатической структурой в Advanced Grammar для IELTS являются cleft sentences. Они также могут быть использованы в IELTS speaking.

It is parents who should be responsible for their children's actions.

Even though all cities showed upward trends, it was N that had the lead.

Cleft sentences in IELTS speaking:

It was Jack who accompanied me in the trip.

What bugs me most is ...

What impressed me most about your service was ...

6. Advanced structures to talk about the future in IELTS


Кроме простого Future Simple, будущее время в IELTS эссе может быть выражено "Be likely/unlikely":

Children from an underprivileged family background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime.

"Be certain":

The population explosion is certain to cause widespread famine.

Advanced structures to talk about the future в IELTS письмах:

After all this hard work, he is certain to pass his exam.

If you say that something is bound to happen or be true, you feel confident of it, although you have no definite knowledge.

I'll show it to Benjamin. He's bound to know.

They are likely to ask you about your knowledge of computers in the interview, so you should prepare for that.

Это основные структуры Advanced Grammar for IELTS, необходимые для получения высокого балла в письменной и устной частях теста.

Удачи на экзамене!


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