Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам нидерландское научное издание Near Surface Geophysics. Журнал имеет второй квартиль, издается в EAGE Publishing BV, его SJR за 2020 г. равен 0,639, импакт-фактор - 2,033, электронный ISSN - 1873-0604, предметная область Геофизика. Вот так выглядит обложка:
Редактором является Панагиотис Тсурлос, контактные данные - tsourlos@geo.auth.gr, NSGEditorial@wiley.com, NSG@wiley.com.
Адрес издания - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/18730604
Near Surface Geophysics - это международный журнал, в котором публикуются исследования и разработки в области геофизики, применяемые к приповерхностным слоям. Особое внимание уделяется геологическим, гидрогеологическим, геотехническим, экологическим, инженерным, горнодобывающим, археологическим, сельскохозяйственным и другим приложениям геофизики, а также физическим свойствам почвы и горных пород. Приветствуются геофизические и геонаучные материалы с инновационным использованием геофизических методов, которые могут включать улучшения в инструментах, измерениях, сборе и обработке данных, моделировании, инверсии, интерпретации, управлении проектами и мультидисциплинарном использовании. Статьи также должны быть понятны тем, кто использует геофизические данные, но не обязательно является геофизиком.
Пример статьи, название - Application of crosshole electrical resistivity tomography measurements under the influence of horizontally slotted plastic cased boreholes. Заголовок (ABSTRACT) - In this work, we study the performance of cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements by employing different electrode array configurations in plastic PVC cased and horizontally slotted observation boreholes by inserting a multi-electrode cable directly into the borehole. Preliminary cross-hole ERT measurements in PVC cased boreholes related to an underground tunnel construction showed poor data quality. This was attributed to the borehole-fluid effect caused by the PVC casings. An experimental study was conducted to support this hypothesis by setting up various simulations in a water tank, using different PVC casings with various slot densities, and different electrode array configurations. We conclude that the applicability of various measurement setups depends mainly on the acquisition protocol and, to a lesser extent, on the slot density of the PVC casing. Among the different array configurations considered, the pole-dipole array with the potential measuring electrodes being placed in a separate borehole than the current electrodes provide the most robust and reliable results, even for low slot density PVC casings. Besides, denser borehole slot configurations result in better data quality, though to a different extent for the examined protocols. A minimum slot density criterion of at least 6 slots/electrode spacing is proposed, regardless of the electrode array. The experimental findings are finally evaluated against real field measurements associated with the construction of an underground tunnel of the new Thessaloniki Metro, verifying the pole-dipole's array superior behavior for this type of measurement configuration. Finally, for those cases where the aspect ratio (hole depth/hole separation) is limited, we propose a modified borehole-to-surface configuration with the current electrodes placed outside the boreholes. The overall results indicate that slotted PVC cased observation boreholes (e.g., conventional piezometers), typically constructed as part of many infrastructure monitoring projects, can be efficiently employed for ERT mapping generating a new perspective for geoelectrical prospecting. This measuring approach exhibits a significant advantage. The use of preexisting boreholes reduces the overall survey costs, reliability, and effort while also providing high-resolution subsurface images, especially in urban environments.