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Love at First Message или любовь с первого сообщения. Люди, работающие в море, для меня герои…или о кошке, которая гуляла.

Удачи всем, кому интересно развивать свой английский. На этом канале я публикую реальную переписку с английским моряком. Этот роман в письмах начался на сайте знакомств. А чем закончится - увидите сами. Все письма идут по порядку, в каждой главе есть словарь. Подписывайтесь на мой канал, читайте письма каждый день. Ваши комментарии и лайки важны для меня.

Такие нефтяные вышки в Северном море обслуживает судно Барри.
Такие нефтяные вышки в Северном море обслуживает судно Барри.

Chapter 152.

Ольга Ломоносова 28 декабря 2018, 23:26

Hi, Barrie, how was your day, dear? Did you have much work? Are you tired?

Thanks for your letter, it was lovely. I'm glad the weather is good. You know I can't imagine myself at sea. People who work at sea are like heroes for me. I remember my travel across the Irish Sea ones. And you know I wouldn't like to do it again.

Barrie, dear, sometimes I just have a wish to share my everyday thoughts with you. Sometimes I just forget we met only 4 weeks ago. It seems to me I know you for ages.

That's why sometimes I write things that don't connect with your previous letter. I write as if you has known me for a long time. So, some of my thoughts don't wait for the answer. I just think perhaps you would like to know them.


myself – себя

hero – герой

across – через

Irish – Ирландское

just – только, просто

previous – предыдущий

thoughts- мысли

perhaps – возможно


As for Kipling's tale.

It's about the time when the Tame animals were wild....
.....But the wildest of all the wild animals was the Cat. He walked by himself, and all places were alike to him. Of course the Man was wild too. He was dreadfully wild. He didn't even begin to be tame till he met the Woman...

So the woman made some wild animals tame except the wild cat. Yes, he lived at home with people. But when he has done that, and between times, and when the moon gets up and night comes, he is the Cat that walks by himself, and all places are alike to him.
Then he goes out to the Wet Wild Woods or up the Wet Wild Trees or on the Wet Wild Roofs, waving his wild tail and walking by his wild lone... .


tame- ручной, домашний

by himself – сам по себе

alike – одинаковы

dreadfully- ужасно

except – за исключением

wavе – помахивать

tail – хвост


Окончание этого письма в главе 153.

See you. До следующего письма, мой читатель.