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Work And Travel USA

Топ-100 вопросов на интервью с визовым консулом для получения визы J-1

Виза является обязательным атрибутом для въезда в США для граждан России
Виза является обязательным атрибутом для въезда в США для граждан России

Виза J-1 – это виза программ культурного обмена в США (в том числе и программы Work and Travel), которая и позволяет студентам работать в США и после отправиться в путешествие. Начало действия визы – это дата её печати, то есть виза позволяет вам въехать в США в день получения паспорта, однако, по правилам программы Work and Travel вы можете находиться в США 30 дней до начала работы и 30 дней после её окончания, поэтому въезжать в США более чем за 30 дней до начала работы вы не сможете.
Получение визы для въезда в США – важный этап для участия в программе Work and Travel. В этой статье вы сможете найти топ-100 вопросов, которые спрашивают при собеседовании в посольстве. Публикуем мы их специально для того, чтобы вам было легче пройти ваше собственное собеседование.

  1. What is your name/surname/last name?
  2. How old are you? What is your age? How old is your sister/brother/dad/mom?
  3. Can you describe yourself? Can you talk about yourself?
  4. Can you introduce yourself? How can you characterize yourself?
  5. What is your strongest/weakest character feature? Why?
  6. Where was you born? What city/village was you born?
  7. Can you describe your hometown/state? 
  8. Have you read the Work and Travel guide? Do you know your rights and responsibilities?
  9. Are you familiar with the program rules? Do you know what to do upon arrival to America?
  10. Do you know who to call in emergency? Do you know what to do in  emergency?
  11. What will you do if you have problems in America?
  12. Which city do you live in? How far do you live from consulate/embassy?
  13. How did you get here? How long did it take you to get here? Did you use bus/train/car/airplane? Did you come/travel with your friends?
  14. Why do you want to go to America? Why do you want to visit America?
  15. What is the purpose of your trip to America?
  16. When and why did you apply for the program?
  17. How did you learn about the program? Advertising/friends/family members?
  18. Where are going to travel in America? What is your favorite place/city/state?
  19. How will this experience help you in the future? Why do you think so?
  20. How will this program help you in your career? Are you excited?
  21. How long are you going to stay in the America? When are you coming back?
  22. Where are you going to work in America? In what city? In what state?
  23. What will you be doing in … [name of the city from job offer]? What is your position/title/employer name? What will your responsibilities/duties be?
  24. When are you going to start/finish your job in America?
  25. Do you know the address/name of your workplace? What is name of your manager/supervisor? Did you call her/him?
  26. What will your salary be? What is hourly rate?
  27. What do you like most about your job offer? Why did you pick this job?
  28. Did you choose your job offer? Where did you get your job offer from?
  29. How many jobs are you planning to have? Do you know the rules?
  30. How long are you going to work in America?
  31. Where are you going to live in America? Where are you going to stay in America?
  32. What do you know about the city, state, country you are going to?
  33. Do you know the address of your living place? Do you know how to get there?
  34. Is it apartment or house? How did you find it? How much is it?
  35. Where do you study? What university are you attending? In what city?
  36. What faculty/department do you study at? How many buildings in your campus?
  37. What is your major/speciality? Why did you choose that major/faculty/department/university? 
  38. Do you like your school/major/university? What do you like about it? What do you like most/least? Why?
  39. Are you Bachelor or Masters student? Are you planning to enroll in Masters level?
  40. What year are you in? What course are you? How many years do you have left?
  41. When are you graduating? When are you planning to graduate?
  42. Are you a good and hard working person? Can you say that you are an excellent student? 
  43. Are you a full-time or a part-time student? Are you a taking evening or day-time classes?
  44. How do you usually get to school? Do you live on campus?
  45. What’s your rector/dean/professor’s name/surname?
  46. How many people in your class? More girls or guys? 
  47. What’s your math/physics/english teacher’s name? 
  48. Do you like to study alone or with friends? What is your score?
  49. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?
  50. When are you planning to travel to America? What is your plan?
  51. When will you leave America? When will you come back?
  52. Will you have any problems in your school if you come back late?
  53. Will you have any problems if you leave early?
  54. What are you going to do after graduation? Where are you going to work after graduation?
  55. What are your plans for the future? Are you planning to move to different city?
  56. What is your future job? Are you looking/planning for it?
  57. What will you do after coming back from America? 
  58. Are you married? Do you have children?
  59. Do you have girlfriend? Do you have boyfriend?
  60. Where and when did you meet? What is her/his name? What is city is she/he from?
  61. Do you live with your parents? Why? Why not?
  62. Tell me about your place of living?
  63. Do you have brothers or sisters? How many?
  64. How many cousins do you have? Are they supporting your participation?
  65. What is the name of you dad/mom/sister/brother/siblings?
  66. What do your parents and family think about your participation in the program? 
  67. Who pays for the trip? How do you pay for the program?
  68. What is your parents annual/monthly income? How much do your parents make per month?
  69. Where do your parents work? What is your parents’ occupation? What are their duties? 
  70. Where does your sister/brother work?
  71. Do you have a job? Are you working now? If yes, where are you working and what’s your job?
  72.  Have you ever worked? What place?
  73. Is it a full-time or a part-time job? What is your income/salary?
  74. What is your dream job? Why? Please describe it.
  75. How much money are you taking with you in America?
  76. How are you planning to live before your first paycheck?
  77. Are you traveling in US with friends or by yourself?
  78. Do you like pets? Do you have pets? Why not? How old is your dog/cat?
  79. Do you have any animals at home? Do you like them? What is the name?
  80. Do you have plants in your room? How many?
  81. Have you ever travelled abroad? When and where, which country?
  82. Do you have relatives or friends in other countries? If yes, where?
  83. Why did you travelled abroad? Did you travel with your family? Did you like it?
  84. What is your favorite city or country? Why?
  85. Where would you like to live 5 years from now?
  86. What is your favorite food or music? Why?
  87. Do you live in house/apartment? Which floor?
  88. How many rooms are there in your house/apartment?
  89. How good is your English? Do you speak any other languages?
  90. Are you confident with your language skills?
  91. How long have you been studying English? Where?
  92. Does your dad/mom speak English? 
  93. Have you taken any training/courses in English? How long? Where?
  94. Have you ever watched movie or read book in English?
  95. Do you have allergies or any other medical restrictions?
  96. Do you have any medical problems?
  97. Are you on medication? Which one?
  98. Do you have any chronic problems/diseases?
  99. How is your blood pressure? Can you work and live in hot places?
  100. Do you like watching TV, movies, play computer games, reading books?
  101. What is your favorite TV show, movie, radio station, book?
  102. What is your favorite American movie? When and where did you watch it first?
  103. Who is your favorite movie star?  How old is she/he?
  104. Do you like sports? What is your favorite team?
  105. What is favorite game? Which one do you like more: soccer or chess? Why?
  106. What is your favorite shape? Do you like more round or square shapes?
  107. Have you ever had issues or problems with police in country or abroad?
  108. Have you ever been in prison/jail? How about your relatives?
  109. Do you have driving license? Is it domestic or international?
  110. What is your favorite car? Why?
  111. Do you like classic or sport cars? What is your dream car?
  112. Do you have a car? Which brand and how old is it?
  113. What are you currently doing?
  114. What can you teach Americans about your country and culture?
  115. What is your country’s traditional food, music, holidays? Please describe.
  116. What do you think about the president of America? 
  117. Do you have any questions for me?