Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам итальянское научное издание European Journal of Ophthalmology. Журнал имеет второй квартиль, издаётся в Wichtig Publishing Srl, его SJR за 2021 г. равен 0,782, пятилетний импакт-фактор 2,030, печатный ISSN - 1120-6721, электронный - 1724-6016, предметные области - Офтальмология, Медицина (общие вопросы). Вот так выглядит обложка:
Редактором является Франческо Банделло, контактные данные - bandello.francesco@unisr.it, ejo.queries@sagepub.co.uk.
Журнал был основан в 1991 году и выходит раз в два месяца. В нем публикуются оригинальные рецензируемые исследования, отражающие клинические наблюдения и лабораторные исследования, имеющие клиническую значимость, с акцентом на новые диагностические и хирургические методы, обновления инструментов и терапии, результаты клинических испытаний и научные заключения.
Адрес издания - https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ejo
Пример статьи, название - Phased strabismus surgery under topical anesthesia. Заголовок (Abstract)
To evaluate the feasibility and outcomes of phased strabismus surgery under topical anesthesia, with intraoperative comparison of ocular alignment in supine and seated positions.
This retrospective clinical investigation analyzed the data of patients who underwent phased strabismus surgery with fixed sutures under topical anesthesia. The technique consisted of 2 phases, spaced out with an intraoperative alternate prism cover test (performed in supine and seated positions): (1) surgery on one or two muscles, as defined by a preoperative surgical plan; (2) if judged necessary, a further one-muscle surgery. Surgical success was defined as a residual angle of horizontal and vertical deviation ≤±8Δ and ≤5Δ, respectively, and the presence of single binocular vision in primary position in patients with preoperative diplopia. Follow-up visits were scheduled 1 day, 1 month, and 6 months after surgery.
The review identified 38 patients (age range: 10–80 years). Surgery was well tolerated by all patients. Twelve (32%) required a second phase. No statistically significant differences were found for intraoperative angles of deviation in supine and seated positions. Surgical success was reached, respectively, in 88% and 87% of cases with horizontal and vertical deviation 6 months after surgery. No patients were reoperated during the follow-up period.
Phased strabismus surgery is a feasible technique for various types of strabismus in adults and children. Secondly, intraoperative evaluation of ocular alignment can be performed either with the patient seated or supine, with the same accuracy in terms of surgical success.