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Новозеландский журнал в Скопус, первый квартиль (биоинжиниринг), International journal of nanomedicine

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам International journal of nanomedicine - научное издание из Новой Зеландии. Журнал имеет первый квартиль, находится в открытом доступе, издается в Dove Medical Press Ltd., его SJR за 2019 г. равен 1,061, пятилетний импакт-фактор - 5,166, печатный ISSN - 1176-9114, электронный - 1178-2013, предметные области - Биоинжиниринг, Изыскание новых лекарственных веществ, Фармацевтические науки, Общие вопросы медицины, Биоматериалы, Органическая химия, Биофизика. Вот так выглядит обложка:


Редактором является Израиль Рубинштейн, контактные данные - irubinst@uic.edu

Это международный рецензируемый журнал с открытым доступом, в котором освещаются все аспекты применения нанотехнологий в биомедицинской области. Отражая актуальность данной новой и быстро развивающейся области исследований, журнал ставит цель освещения исследований и разработок, ведущих к потенциальному клиническому применению наночастиц в диагностике, профилактике и лечении заболеваний. Конкретные темы, освещаемые в журнале, включают:

- Доставка нанопрепаратов и биосенсоры;

- Регенеративная наномедицина;

- Нанодиагностика;

- Наноинформатика;

- Нанотоксичность.

Адрес издания - https://www.dovepress.com/international-journal-of-nanomedicine-journal.

Пример статьи, название - Small Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Adipose Tissue Prevent Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw by Promoting Angiogenesis. Заголовок (Purpose) - There is no definitive treatment for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). Small extracellular vesicles derived from adipose tissue (sEV-AT) have been proved efficient at promoting tissue regeneration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sEV-AT administration on BRONJ-like lesions in rats.
Methods: Zoledronate (Zol) and dexamethasone (Dex) were subcutaneously administered to create a BRONJ rat model. Rats were randomly divided into three groups: 1) Control; 2) Zol+Dex; 3) sEV-AT. The maxillary left first molars were extracted two weeks after the first administration. In the sEV-AT group, sEV-AT were given intravenously every three days right after tooth extraction. We preformed occlusal view images, microcomputed tomography (μCT) and histological analysis to measure the regeneration of osseous and soft tissue in extraction sockets. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were isolated and cultured with endothelial cell medium (ECM). HUVECs were then divided into three groups: 1) Control: ECM; 2) Zol: ECM+Zol; 3) sEV-AT: ECM+Zol+sEV-AT. We evaluated the proliferation, tube formation and migration of HUVECs in each group.
Results: Rats treated with Zol+Dex showed BRONJ-like lesions including open wounds, necrotic bones, empty osteocyte lacunae and reduced osteoclasts. sEV-AT administration reduced BRONJ-like lesions by promoting soft tissue healing. μCT results showed that bone volume in extraction sockets in the sEV-AT group was larger than the Zol+Dex group. Histological analysis showed less necrotic bones and empty osteocyte lacunae in the sEV-AT group compared to the Zol+Dex group. Histological analysis also showed more osteoclasts, collagen fibers and blood vessels in the sEV-AT group compared to the Zol+Dex group. Furthermore, sEV-AT enhanced the proliferation, migration and tube formation of HUVECs which were inhibited by Zol.
Conclusion: Our findings indicate that sEV-AT prevent BRONJ in rats. Angiogenesis promotion contributes to the prevention of BRONJ.
Keywords: bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, small extracellular vesicles, adipose tissue, endothelial cells, angiogenesis

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