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Монолог по теме "The Internet" (для ОГЭ по английскому языку)

Формат задания 3 по устной речи в ОГЭ изменился, теперь в нем больше пунктов, на основе которых нужно составить монологическое высказывание. Время на говорение и подготовку осталось таким же.

Задание, предлагаемое ученику:

You are going to give a talk about the internet. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and will speak for not more than two minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • what people use the Internet for
  • what educational opportunities the Internet offers to students
  • whether the Internet can be harmful for users and why
  • what your attitude to the Internet is

I am going to give a talk about the Internet as it is an interesting topic to discuss. To begin with, it is impossible to imagine our life without the Internet nowadays.

People use the internet for work, communication and for entertainment. It helps to stay in touch with friends and colleagues, find and share information, watch films, read books and play games online.

As for educational opportunities, they are really wide, thanks to the Internet. Students can find all necessary information online, they can take different courses and communicate with teachers and peers all over the world.

However, the Internet can be harmful for users. Some of them cab become addicted to being online. They can spend most of their time on the Internet, neglecting work, studies and family. Besides, spending too much time online can be harmful for eyesight.

In my opinion, the Internet makes our life better in many ways, but it should be used wisely.

That`s all I wanted to say.

Монологи по 16 темам устной речи, составленные по ВСЕМ заданиям 3 открытого банка fipi, дополненные вопросами электронного ассистента (задание 2) и отобранными по темам заданиями по письму, Вы сможете найти в моем пособии, представленном в VK магазине ProEnglish.