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Christmas books for children from the publishing house " Polyandria»

Christmas books for children-this is another piece of wonder, another magical snowflake in children's hands. We present you a selection of great new products and already favorite books from the publishing house "Polyandria".


St. Petersburg publishing house "Polyandria" presents readers with new names in children's literature, choosing books that help to understand their feelings and the feelings of others — about love and trust, loneliness and the birth of friendship, the strength of character and the need to sometimes compromise.

This intellectual literature for toddlers, primary schoolchildren and teenagers. Stories created by talented authors who can see the world through the eyes of children and speak the same language with them. They will be appreciated not only by children but also by adults. Books "Polyandry" are perfect for family reading and co-creation, with each of the readers leading their own dialogue

New items for children

I don't like new year's

Author: Irina Sartisky

Illustrator: Maria Ship

Age category: for primary school age

"I don't like New year "" Polyandry"

Lizzie does not like New year, misses the trees and can not stand sweet gifts. But one day, shortly before the winter holiday, something amazing happens to her…

Will Lizzie be able to believe in miracles again and learn to enjoy simple little things?

When I was a snowman

Author: Irina Sartisky

Illustrator: Elizabeth Tretyakov

Age category: for preschool age

"When I was a snowman "" Polyandry"

Once upon a time there was a snowman. He was made on the eve of the New year, and all winter he was the center of attention of the whole court, until spring came... And the snowman had one cherished desire.

The book is about a wonderful adventure, filled with the magical atmosphere of the New year.

Oliver The Elephant

Author: Lou Peacock

Illustrator: Helen Stevens

Translated from English Mary and Catherine Yunger Age category: preschool

"The Baby Elephant Oliver" Polyandria

Where is my Oliver, mother? Oh no!

Gone, lost, his trail gone!»

Poor Tommy! Buying gifts for the New Year is not easy, even if you have your favorite elephant Oliver. But when Oliver got lost... that's where the real difficulties began.

Popular books for children from the publishing house for the New year

The best gift in the world

Author: Julia Boehme

Artist: Stephanie Dale ("better at home!", "Together better!»)

Translated from German by Irina Levchenko

Age category: for preschool age

"Best gift ever" Polyandria

The night when all wishes come true…

Raccoon Vasily is waiting for the New year. He wants to get a real gramophone as a gift! To Santa Claus did not forget about it, Basil in the spring sends him a letter. And then a few more letters in the summer. And just in case a few more — in the fall and shortly before the New year.

Finally comes celebration. Vasily can not wait for a gift. Will his wish come true?

A wonderful Christmas story about true friendship!

Buy on the store website Polyandria

To buy on the website store Maze

The snowy day Kipper

Author and Illustrator: Mick Inkpen

Translated from English by Artem Andreev Age category: for preschool age

"The snowy day Kipper" Polyandria

Toy book: the cover and pages are made of hard cardboard with rounded corners.

Huge flakes of snow swirl outside the window, and Kipper can't wait to go outside…

A funny story about winter adventures that are so great to share with your best friend!

Buy on the store website Polyandria

To buy on the website store Maze

Snow lion

By Jim Helmore

Illustrator: Richard Jones

Translated from English by Maria Junger Age category: for preschool and primary school age

"Snow lion" Polyandry

Sometimes the world seems very big and you seem very small.

But a special friend will help you gain the confidence that lurks somewhere inside you.

A wonderful, hopeful story with a touch of magic.

Author and Illustrator: Sam usher
Translated from English by Artem Andreev Age category: for preschool age

"Snow" Polyandria

Winter day little hero of this story is going with his grandfather to go for a walk. And though they do not manage to pass on the fallen snow THE VERY first, it becomes clear — some things are definitely worth waiting for.

Buy on the store website Polyandria

To buy on the website store Maze

Set "Snowmen" of two books
Author and Illustrator: Raymond Briggs
Translated from English by S. A. Stepanov

Snowman and Snow dog
Author: Hilary ODUs
Illustrator: Joanna Harrison
Translated from English by S. A. Stepanov

Set "Snowmen" of two books Polyandry

Snowman: "the Wonderful story of Raymond Briggs for many years pleases young readers on the eve of the new year holidays. It is told in the magic language of pictures with extraordinary sincerity and kindness.»

Snowman and Snow dog: "Once in the midst of winter with the boy Billy was a miracle: his new friends, fashioned from snow, come to life, and with them Billy went on a fabulous new year's journey.»

Buy on the store website Polyandria

To buy on the website store Maze

By Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann
Illustrator: Alison Jay
Translated from German and retold Leonid Yakhnin Age category: for primary and secondary school age

"The Nutcracker" Polyandria

The fabulous story of the enchanted Nutcracker will take young readers to a magical world full of love, kindness, dedication and real miracles. A wonderful tale of Hoffman retold for children writer Leonid Yakhnin, and the beautiful illustrations in the book performed by the artist from the UK Alison Jay.

Buy on the store website Polyandria

To buy on the website store Maze

Green glass house
By Kate Milford
Illustrator: Jaime Zollars
Translated from English by Natalia Vlasova Age category: for secondary school age
Detective story in winter scenery

"The house of green glass" Polyandria

The main character — twelve-year-old Milo pine, the adopted son of the owners of the Inn yard in Ngspice, a town of smugglers. The place called the green glass House sits in a huge, dilapidated mansion that looks as if it has been hastily cobbled together from ill-fitting houses assembled in a dozen different cities.

The hotel is usually empty at the beginning of the Christmas holidays, so Milo hopes to have a good rest. But the silence of the first frosty night is broken by the insistent ringing of a bell. And one by one the hotel is occupied by five guests. The appearance of each of them is shrouded in some mystery, which is intertwined with the history of the "House of green glass".

Milo is also puzzled by his accidental discovery — a fragment of the navigation map. And familiarity with Maddie, the youngest daughter of the cook, spurring the young man to start a detective game, the aim of which is to figure out why came all these people and where does this strange map. He does not yet know what a difficult task he will have, and what he learns about the mysterious guests, about the house and about himself.