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Дополнительные упражнения к сказке The Lazy Bear

Авторские дополнительные упражнения к учебнику Family and Friends 3 (2nd Edition).

Family and Friends 3, p.12 ex.3, 'The Lazy Bear'
Family and Friends 3, p.12 ex.3, 'The Lazy Bear'

Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу:

flowers, asleep, leaves, lazy, hungry

1) Bruno is a __________ bear.

2) There are a lot of __________ in the garden in summer.

3) In autumn, the __________ are red, yellow and orange.

4) Bruno wants his breakfast. He's __________ .

5) In winter animals are __________ .

Прочитайте предложения и скажите, правдивы они или нет (true / false):

1) It's warm and sunny in the forest in winter.

2) The animals love summer.

3) The leaves are red, yellow and orange in spring.

4) Bruno is awake in autumn.

5) Bruno is happy and hungry in spring.

Good luck!