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Продолжаю публикацию информации на английском языке о статьях, положенных в основу НАУЧНОЙ АКСИОМАТИКИ ФИЗИКИ И МИРОЗДАНИЯ.


Продолжаю публикацию информации на английском языке для специалистов об основных научных статьях, положенных в основу НАУЧНОЙ АКСИОМАТИКИ ФИЗИКИ И МИРОЗДАНИЯ. Они рассчитаны на профессионалов, и если покажутся вам сложными, то не обязательно читать их полностью. Для начала можно ограничиться АННОТАЦИЕЙ, основными идеями и выводами. Это уже позволит существенно поднять понимание сути физики и мироздания.

Пятая важная статья продолжила изложение основ научной аксиоматики электродинамики (Никеров В.А. . Релятивистские парадоксы магнетизма и их объяснение // Инженерная физика. 2015. № 1. С. 17-22. Текст статьи в приложении https://t.me/NikerovV/1890

Relativistic paradoxes of magnetism and their interpretation



The electrodynamics scientific axiomatic based on Coulomb's law, resulting from the three-dimensional Euclidean geometry and improved by the Lorentz transformations, resulting from the four-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean geometry is analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of the various variants of the relativistic Coulomb's law, which is the fundamental law of not onlyelectrostatics, but also electrodynamics. It is shown that twenty to thirty smallness orders of the square of the ratio of electron drift velocity to the speed of light are compensated by the smallness of the square of the ratio of characteristic electric charges in electrostatics and magnetism. The possibility of using the Lorentz transformations for the transition to the non-inertial systems moving with enormous accelerations, 20-30 orders of magnitude greater than the acceleration of gravity. To test the principles and limits of applicability of relativistic mechanics, relatively simple magnetic force researches are suggested - instead of complex researches of bodies moving close to the speed of light speed. The disadvantages of Maxwell's equations that prevent the development of scientific base of electrodynamics are analyzed. Among these disadvantages the complexity, the subjectivity of the magnetic field, the provocation of erroneous associations (such as the pseudo-symmetry of the electric and magnetic fields and the Dirac monopole). The complexity of double vector product use in the magnetic force is shown. In fact it should be replaced by the difference between the two scalar products, so that one component of magnetic force is directed, as expected, along the straight line connecting the charges, and the other component gives a correction in the direction of motion of the charge, and allows for the relativistic change in the properties of space for moving body. The introduction of electrodynamics scientific axiomatic requires the solution of the six characteristic problems of interaction between charges, direct currents and circular currents.

Keywords: Coulomb force, Lorentz transformations, Lorentz force, relativistic Coulomb force, non-inertial reference system, electrodynamics axiomatic.

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