Пишем email на английском языке. ЕГЭ 2022. Задание 39.
Практическое занятие по теме « Любимое занятие».
I.Структура и содержание электронного письма личного характера. Объём высказывания: 90 – 154 слова.
Возможные именования электронного письма : email, e-mail, email message, email letter, letter.
1. Обращение пишется слева на отдельной строке.
Dear Mary,
Hi Mary, / Hi, Mary,
Hello again!
Hi there!
2. Благодарность за полученное письмо или/ и выражение радости о получении нового письма, выражение положительных эмоций от его получения образуют отдельный абзац.
Thanks for your recent email.
Thanks for your message.
Thanks for writing to me.
Great to hear from you.
I was very glad to hear from you again.
I’m always glad to get messages from you.
Thanks for your message.
3. Извинения за то, что долго не писал (опционально).
Sorry I haven’t written for so long
Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long
I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was busy with my school.
Или упоминание какого-либо факта из полученного письма (опционально).
I’m glad you passed your History test.
Sounds like you had a great time in Moscow.
Great news about your ….
4. Ответы на 3 вопроса в новом абзаце.
Фразы для плавного перехода к ответам на 3 вопроса.
In your email you asked me about
I’ll gladly answer your questions about
I’ll be happy to answer your questions about
I’m always ready to answer your questions
As for me
5. Задать три вопроса другу о ….. в новом абзаце. Фразы для логического перехода к вопросам.
It’s great that you …
That’s wonderful news about your …
That’s fantastic news about …
I’d like to ask you about …
It’s a pity that ….
That’s great news about …
6. Объяснение причины, почему автор заканчивает письмо (опционально).
I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.
I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.
I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show.
I have to go now as I have to walk my dog.
7. Выражение надежды на последующие. Упоминание о дальнейших контактах.
Well, that’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Drop me an email message when you can.
Take care and keep in touch.
Please, write back soon.
That’s all for now. I can’t wait to hear from you again.
Email me when you can.
8. Завершающая фраза. Ставится запятая. Фраза на отдельной строке.
Best wishes,
Lots of love,
All the best,
With love,
Bye for now,
9. Подпись автора. Только имя. На отдельной строке. Точку после имени не ставить.
II. Тема «Любимое занятие». Лексика.
Free time activities. Hobbies and pastime. Vocabulary. Words and expressions. A list of verbs. A list of adjectives.
These are the things that people do in their free time.
Watch television, films, videos, plays, sporting events, (football matches, golf tournaments).
Listen to music, the radio.
Play sports (football, volleyball, tennis, golf, badminton, table tennis, hockey, golf).
Dedicate yourself to figure skating.
Engage in figure skating.
Play musical instrument ( the piano, the guitar, the violin, the saxophone, the drums).
Go swimming, camping, skiing, shopping, running, jogging, climbing, walking, hiking, horse-riding, sailing, canoeing, cycling.
Go to the cinema, the theatre, concerts, shows, the library, museums, art galleries.
Go to the football matches.
Go to amusement parks.
Read books, magazines, newspapers, journals, comics.
Collect stamps, postcards, antiques, coins, works of art, paintings.
Socialize with your friends in bars, in cafes, at home.
Enjoy taking photography, cooking, painting, writing, drawing, sewing and knitting
Do outdoor activities.
A list of verbs.
I like, I enjoy, I love, I adore, I am fond of…, I am keen on …, I mad about, I am crazy about.
A list of adjectives.
Interesting, creative, challenging, fun, exciting, relaxing, inspiring, amusing, entertaining, stimulating, therapeutic, sociable.
III.Задание. Электронное письмо личного характера. Тема «Любимое занятие».
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend John:
From: Friend@mail.uk To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Welcome
... I’m going to do a project on hobbies in different countries. Do you think that different nations have different hobbies? Can you give examples? What interesting hobbies do Russians have? What hobbies do members of your family have?
As for the latest news, I have just passed my last exam...
Write an email to John. In your message answer his questions, ask 3 questions about his exams. Write 100—140 words. Remember the rules of email writing. You have 20 minutes to do this task.
IV. Образец написания электронного письма.
Dear John,
Thanks for your message. Great to hear from you.
I’ll be happy to answer your questions about hobbies in different countries. I believe that hobbies are diverse and varied. Hobbies can be different. It depends on the weather conditions and climate. In Russia hobbies like playing hockey, skiing or ice-skating are well-known, because winters are cold and snowy. In other warm countries, pastime is popular as playing golf or soccer. Russian people are fond of visiting museums and art galleries. They are the most interesting entertaining hobbies. This pastime develops mind and imagination, enriches personality. As for the members of my family, we enjoy sewing and knitting. It helps us to relax.
That’s fantastic news! You passed your last exam. How long did the exam last? Where did it take place? Was it difficult?
Well, that’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
150 words.