Note pensioner...
Life in the village continues, and it is surprisingly eventful. Almost every day there's something going on. Today, for example, despite the isolation, the people came out of their homes and had no intention to comply with the required distance between them.

The photo shows people in the field
The whole village was filled with a terrible smell of burning - burning fields. Not for the first day we have kept the strong wind, at the same time turned out to be more warm Sunny days - and there it was, flashed with terrible force. Hard to say on purpose or by accident, but in normal times, these fields are not planted.

The smoke was a flame of fire rose to a height of 2-3 meters, and the speed was great. To stop a flame by own strength it was unreal. From all the nearby houses ran out and the people. Field burning on the other side of us, and we watched from the second floor Windows. The children slept peacefully in his NAP, and we could only worry and watch. Quickly came to the aid of the tractor. The fire began to move to houses, and he went to them to block the path of the fire trench. Earlier, when we were walking in the field, we saw that around the entire village plow strip.

The same bands are doing and along the woods, in the event that the fire has not passed on the house and the woods. We find this very reassuring.

After some time the fire truck arrived, it ran the people, and they began to extinguish the flames with water. Fast enough this gave the result. Now remained only the faint smell of campfire smoke is gone, people have calmed down and dispersed to their homes. But the impressions we have left, we first saw this in our village. Pleased that the people rallied and were ready to help each other. Well, fire the tractor did a great job.
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It was all over, and life on our land continues today on a surprisingly warm day, 18 degrees Celsius, the first flowers and the Starling finally found a pair, and that whole week flew there alone.