2,7K прочтений · 1 день назад
Разбираем задания Олимпиады по Английскому языку 7-8 класс 2024 Московская обл
and mark the statements below with “Т” if they are truе or “F” if they аrе false. You will hear the recording twic... Ответ: You will hear the recording twice... Ответ: get married at the age of 20. Ответ: helped people in need. Ответ: worked on a campaign to ban landmines. Ответ: 1997 Ответ: came to London for the funeral. People can come here all night. You can get out from here. If you phone this number, you will get more information. Car drivers can only use this road in the daytime. People do not eat this...
701 прочтение · 1 день назад
Разбираем задания ВСОШ ШЭ по Английскому языку 5-6 класс
Listen to the second part of the story. For statements 5-10 choose the best word to fill each gap. You will hear the recording twice. 5. The sons dug up the whole field but found no __treasure__ at all. 6. The sons planted wheat and soon the fields were full of tall wheat __plants__ .7. The sons worked long, hard days in the hot fields to cut and harvest all of the __wheats__ .8. The sons sold the wheat to the rich ___people___ .9. Many years had passed before the sons enjoyed ___working____ hard in the fields...