48 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Word of the day: business
Be sb's (own) business - быть чьим-либо личным делом Be none of your business - не твоё дело Mind your own business - заниматься своим делом, не лезть в чужие дела ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡ ПРИМЕРЫ ИЗ ФИЛЬМОВ И СЕРИАЛОВ Morty Seinfeld and I are going into business together, selling raincoats. ~ Seinfeld Pleasure doing business with you. ~ Simpsons - He's going out of business? - No, no, no...
11 месяцев назад
Western insurers cover two thirds of Russia’s Baltic and Black Sea oil exports
TWO THIRDS OF tankers that called at key Russian Baltic and Black Sea oil export ports during May were covered by Western insurance providers, indicating wide compliance with sanctions and the dominant presence of Greek shipowners in facilitating shipments to third countries. Of the 191 tankers tracked calling at five export ports, 63 were not entered with any of the 12 protection and indemnity clubs that are members of the International Group. The International Group provides cover for 95% of the...