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“Integrity” is often used in business English. I sometimes get asked by my clients what it really means and why it’s not just „honesty“. In fact, there are some terms which don’t have one word equivalents in Russian. So, from my experience which is based on extensive background in negotiating and interpreting, integrity includes ✅transparency (fair and open communication) ✅accountability ✅reliability Such great values make this word popular among western business people. How often do you hear this word during negotiations?
2 года назад
Go with the flow) Literally, guys. Have a good day!
2 года назад
How does your workplace influence productivity? According to numerous studies, approximately 56 per cent of productivity depends on your work environment. It either boosts your efficiency or depletes your energy. These are some thought provoking statistics on the nature of a workplace. As for the office design factors such as furniture, noise, lighting, temperature and spatial arrangements, the study revealed lightning as having the most impact on staff productivity, followed by spatial arrangements. Opportunities for concentration are of great importance as well. No wonder, people carrying out difficult tasks perform better in private offices. Conversely, employees dealing with simple tasks are better in non-private settings. On top of that, it’s worth placing a high value on visual appeal - as everything should support your vision and excite you rather then deject.
2 года назад
What is key in negotiating with our highly appreciated (especially after the beginning of military operation) Chinese partners? Dealing with them can be a downright challenge as a Chinese business person will start with the most extreme, unfavourable offer and defend it vehemently. What’s more, our political situation makes Chinese want to capitalize on the current dire circumstances of Russian business due to their understanding of sitting safely atop the food chain. That being said, to avoid turning your business talks into dispiriting exercise, it’s absolutely essential ✅to double down on patience and be ready to discuss the same terms and conditions over and over again ✅to keep in mind that when it comes to building a relationship with Chinese people, nothing is more important than trust ✅to accept their emotionally charged conversations. Take it easy as they just want to make sure that you are trustworthy. ✅to ask the right questions at the right time to find out their true intentions, motives and interests ✅to keep in mind that the deal is set only when money is in your account Though, it should be pointed out that basically, tons of Chinese people have had good education in the West and common business rules are applicable everywhere with slight adjustments. Prove me wrong. To check both your English and common understanding of business environment, you are welcome to pass this test.
2 года назад
Опубликовано фото
2 года назад
I haven’t had a clue why “go bananas” means „сходить с ума“ in English. But then I see this 👆 Next time you’ll have the urge to go bananas … don’t do that 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Not have a clue - не иметь понятия Have the urge - иметь желание сделать что-то
2 года назад
Memes - a new form of contemporary Art - are both funny and contagious. They just click with people and go viral. This easy-to-digest cultural information helps us cope with stress and tension. When a meme is good, people looking at your creation think: “I can relate!” It’s an instant way to get sense of belonging. How to create a meme? The key principles are ✅ easy to understand ✅ emotive Enjoy my masterpiece above and look at some other funny stuff here Английский по мемам 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Contemporary- современный Contagious- заразный Cope with - справляться с чем-либо I can relate! - фраза, которая имеет такой смысл: «я понимаю о чем речь, т.к. был(а) в такой же ситуации»
2 года назад
Today’s tumultuous environment — the economy, war, divisive politics, the changing job responsibilities and continued uncertainty — generates emotions in everyone. And those emotions undoubtedly have an impact on people’s work/life balance and well-being. It’s time to listen for emotions, provide appreciation, connection and community. It’s time to be happy with who we are and what we are. Happy Saint Valentine’s Day, high performers and great achievers! https://youtu.be/NaUCDqWzy1k
2 года назад
Can you speak up when you believe that your team or company is missing something important, moving in the wrong direction or taking too much risk? Decisions formed from diversity of opinions usually lead to long-term outcomes. Though, it’s hard to question widely accepted beliefs. How to gain a receptive audience? How to be persuasive and effectively challenge groupthink and remind people that there are alternative paths? There are several steps to deliver a high-quality persuasive message: ✅ demonstrate how your work has benefitted the team. It’s the hardest part for humble Russian top and middle management. In Russia, people tend to take their own results for granted. But, it will give you the power to challenge the majority opinion ✅ inspire trust and evoke curiosity. Say that your primary concern is to boost your team’s chances of success. Acknowledge potential costs and short-term pain points, but explain that you are focused on a better future ✅ stay on point and be consistent. The strongest predictor of success in terms of being persuasive is a consistent message ✅ use Storytelling - part and parcel of efficient communication. Help people imagine what they will be doing, thinking and feeling in the future. ✅ identify what is subjective opinion and what has supported evidence ✅ address obstacles and risks. Transparency boosts persuasive appeal ✅ use “we” instead of “I” to reduce the distance between you and your audience ✅ offer opportunities for criticism and refinements ✅ try to meet with potential detractors in private so you can effectively address their concerns These rules don’t guarantee the results, but they will definitely increase your chances of success.
2 года назад
How to pitch a dissenting idea?
2 года назад
To ask for the moon - спрашивать или просить о чем-либо, что трудно или невозможно выполнить. We can afford to meet our customers’ demands. They are not asking for the moon. Мы можем позволить себе удовлетворить требования заказчиков. Это не является чем-то нереальным.
2 года назад
How to deal with awkward questions? Have you ever been caught off guard during a job interview, negotiation or meeting with a colleague when a person asked you an uncomfortable question? First of all, stay polite and don’t let nosy people or real gaslighters make you feel out of place. There are several strategies to employ ✅just ignore. Pretend you haven’t heard or paid attention to. ✅if your counterparts continue being insistent, you can say “I can’t answer this question as it violates my personal boundaries” In fact, it’s good to hear such questions as they convey a lot about the person who asks them. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Awkward - неудобный To catch off guard - застать врасплох Negotiations - переговоры Nosy - любопытный Gaslighter - токсичный человек Employ - применять (употребляется не только в смысле брать на работу) To be insistent - проявлять настойчивость
2 года назад