The veil of secrecy was opened by the wife of the singer Oleg Gazmanov. She brought her 17-year-old daughter Marianne to a bohemian event - the Tatler Debutante Ball 2021, and spoke about how unbearably hard the life of children from wealthy families is:
“On the one hand, it seems that these girls have a brilliant life. This is true. Their vital needs are resolved, security is provided. But these girls should immediately start into self-realization or even a mission.
This is a heavy load. Because from such a height it is very fast to fall. The bar has already been set. The monomakh hats of their parents hang over these girls, and not everyone can stand it. Because they are constantly being compared, they say that nature rests on children ... "
It's funny to read our celebrities crying. Failing a mission, in my opinion, is not as sad as not knowing how to feed the children or how to pay the rent. Maybe this is their children and relaxes? Well, it failed, that's okay. Don't cry, go to the Maldives.
It’s not a matter of monomakh hats, not of inflated expectations of parents. The real mission of everyone is to make a person out of himself in spite of the initial data, in spite of poverty or wealth, education and upbringing, in spite of the available opportunities or their lack. It is important to win the battle with yourself - with your laziness, with your cowardice. And it doesn't matter who you are - a girl from Lobnya or Gazmanov's daughter.
So the poetess Agnia Barto wrote
1 минута
8 декабря 2021