Эта история посложнее предыдущей за счёт большего количества потенциально новых слов и добавлением ещё одного времени - Present Continuous. Если вы не знаете, что это за время, почитайте мою статью про все времена группы Continuous.
В тексте будут встречаться некоторые слова из предыдущей истории. Заметок с их переводом здесь уже нет. Проверьте запомнили ли вы их.
Where (где) am I? I don’t know. I’m in a beautiful room in an old house. There is a bed, an expensive (дорогой) chair, and a beautiful table. I can’t see anything from the window, only a green field (поле). The sun is shining on the field. I can hear (слышать) music, quiet (тихая) music. It’s Mozart.
Why (почему) am I here (здесь)? I don’t know. My head is hurting ( голова болит).
I can’t open the door, and I can’t open the window. I’m wearing (на мне надеты) grey trousers (брюки) and a grey shirt (рубашка). I’m not wearing any shoes. I’m hungry and I’m thirsty (хочу пить). There is not any food in the room. There is not a drink. There is a pen and some paper on the table. There is not anything on the paper. Who (кто) am I? I can’t remember (не могу вспомнить). I can’t remember my name. I can’t remember anything.
My head hurts a lot (сильно, много). I’m very tired (устал). I’m going to sleep.
It’s morning. I’m on the bed. I’m wearing the grey clothes. I’m very hungry and very thirsty. I can hear music again, it’s the Mozart again. My head doesn’t hurt now, but I can’t remember my name. I can’t remember anything. I can hear someone (кого-то). There is someone outside (вне) the room. The door is opening. He is in the room. He is wearing black trousers and a black shirt. I don’t know him.
Man: Hello. How’s your head?
Me: My head? It’s OK. It doesn’t hurt now.
Man: Good.
Me: Where am I?
Man: You don’t know?
Me: No.
Man: Are you thirsty?
Me: Yes, I’m hungry and thirsty.
Man: Drink this.
He has a glass (стакан) in his hand (рука). I drink from the glass … I’m very tired again. I’m going to sleep.
What time is it? (Который час?) My head is hurting again. I’m on the bed, and the room is dark (тёмная). I can’t hear music now. I’m going to turn on the light (включить свет). Now I can see. There is a glass on the table. I’m thirsty again. I’m going to drink from the glass … Sleep! I’m going to sleep.
Man: Wake up! (Проснись!)
Me: What? My head.
Man: I’m going to ask you some questions (задать несколько вопросов). Who are you?
Me: I don’t know.
Man: What is your name? I’m going to ask you again. What is your name?
Me: I can’t tell (сказать) you. I don’t know.
Man: Where are you from? (Откуда ты?)
Me: I don’t know.
Man: Drink this.
Me: No, I can’t.
Man: You are going to drink it. Do you understand (понимаешь)?
There is a gun (пистолет) in his hand. I drink from the glass … The room is dark.
I’m awake (проснулся) again. It’s quiet outside. The sun is shining outside the window. There is food and water on the table. I’m not tired now, and my head is OK. Someone is coming (приходит). The door opens. It’s the man in black clothes (одежда).
Man: Do you want to talk (хочешь поговорить) now?
Me: What about? (О чём?)
Man: OK, who are you?
Me: Who are you?
Man: I’m asking the questions. Why are you here?
Me: You tell me.
Then he hits me. He hits me in the face (лицо).
Man: We are going to start again. Who are you?
Me: I can’t remember. Don’t hit me.
But he hits me. Then he opens the door, and he goes away (уходит). There is a bump (шишка) on my head. It doesn’t hurt now, but my face hurts. A bump.
I can remember. I’m in a field. I’m lying (я лежу) under (под) a tree. I have some binoculars (бинокль) in my hand. I’m watching (смотрю, наблюдаю) a house. It’s a beautiful old house. Then there is a noise (шум) behind (позади) me. It’s a man with a dog, a big dog. The man is holding (держит в руке) a gun. Then the man is hitting me. He is hitting me on the head with the gun. Then everything is going dark. I have a bump on my head now. Why? Why am I in that field? Who am I? Am I a policeman (полицейский)? Am I a spy (шпион)? And who is the man? Is he a policeman? Is he a spy? Or is he a criminal (преступник)? I don’t know. But now I can remember something. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I’m going to remember some more.
The next day. The man with black clothes is in the room again.
Man: Well, how are you today?
Me: I’m OK
Man: Can you remember anything?
Me: Yes, a little (немного).
Man: Who are you working for? (На кого ты работаешь?)
Me: I don’t know.
Man: Why are you watching the house?
Me: I don’t know. Who are you? Tell me. Then … maybe (может быть) I can remember.
Man: Very clever (очень умно). I can’t tell you anything.
He goes out. I remember again … I’m watching the house. It is evening (вечер). I’m wearing a blue coat (пальто). There are lights in the house. A car is going to the house. It’s a white Jaguar. I’m watching carefully (осторожно). I can see two people. They have a box. Then … then there’s the noise behind me and the bump on the head. It is dark. I can hear voices outside the room.
Woman: Well, is he going to talk?
Man: Maybe. He can’t remember anything, because of (из-за) the bump on his head.
Woman: What about the drinks?
Man: No. The drinks are not helping (не помогают).
Woman: OK. Two days more (более, ещё). We don't have any more time. How much does he know? That is the important thing (важная вещь).
I hear a key (ключ). They are putting (кладут, засовывают) a key into the lock (замок). They are turning (поворачивают) the key. They are locking (запирают на замок) the door. They are walking away (уходят). But the key is in the lock! Two days more! What are they going to do? I can’t stay (остаться) here. The key is in the lock. I have some paper from the table.
Now … put the paper on the floor (на полу). Push (толкнуть) the paper under the door. The paper is under the door. Now … take (взять) the pen. Push the pen into the lock. Yes, there is the key. It is in the lock. Push the key with the pen. Yes! The key is falling (падает) from the lock! Is it on the paper? I don’t know. Pull (тянуть) the paper under the door. Pull it slowly (медленно) and carefully. Very slowly and very carefully. It’s coming under the door, and there’s the key. It is on the paper! I have the key. I can open the door.
It’s quiet outside. I’m opening the door very quietly and carefully. There is a corridor. It is empty (пустой). I’m going out. Now, I’m going to lock the door again, and take the key. I’m walking along (вдоль) the corridor. It’s a beautiful house. I can hear the music again, the Mozart. There are a lot of doors (двери). At the end (в конце) I can see stairs (лестница). I can hear people downstairs (внизу).
I can’t go down. I open some doors. There are bedrooms. I open four or five doors, then I open another (ещё одну) door. The room is full of paintings (полна картин)! Famous (известные) paintings, Picassos, Rembrandts, Van Goghs. They are beautiful. They are on the floor. There are millions of pounds (миллионы фунтов) in this room! Millions! I look at a Picasso. It’s the famous stolen (украденный) Picasso from the London Art Gallery. Who are they? They are thieves (воры). But who am I?
I close (закрываю) the door. How can I get out (выбраться) of this house? They have guns. I remember! One of the bedrooms! There is a telephone. I can telephone the police. I walk quickly along the corridor and open the door. The telephone is next to (рядом) the bed. The number (номер) is on the telephone, Bradstreet 35972. I take the telephone carefully. 999 … I'm waiting (я жду).
Operator: Police, fire station or ambulance? (Полиция, пожарная станция или скорая помощь?)
Me: Police … quickly.
Police: Police. What’s your number?
Me: Bradstreet 35972 … Quickly! I’m a prisoner (в заложниках) here. I can’t get out. The house is full of stolen paintings. Come quickly!
Police: What’s your name?
Me: Come quickly. This is Bradstreet 35972. I can’t …
Then I hear people in the corridor. I put down the phone. I can hear them outside the locked room.
Woman: Well, open the door, then.
Man: I can’t find (найти) the key.
Woman: Come on! (Давай же!)
Man: I can’t find it!
Woman: There’s another key in the kitchen. Get it! (Принеси его!)
Man: Right.
Five minutes later (позже). I can hear him again. He’s coming with the key. He’s opening the door.
Man: What? He isn’t here! Where … but the door is locked.
Woman: Find him … and take your gun. And this time, finish him (покончи с ним). Do you understand?
Man: OK, I’m going.
I can hear him. He’s opening doors. Are the police going to come or not? He’s in the next room. Then I hear them! Police cars, a lot of police cars. They are outside the house.
Woman: It’s the police! What do they want? Don’t take the gun with you!
They’re going downstairs. I can hear voices (голоса).
Woman: Good evening, Inspector. What can I do for you?
Inspector: We want to look round (осмотреть) the house. We’re looking for (ищем) some paintings.
Woman: But there’s nothing (ничего) here. Nothing.
Inspector: We can look, then.
Woman: But why (зачем)?
Inspector: A telephone call (звонок). A telephone call about some paintings.
Woman: Who from?
Inspector: We don’t know.
Woman: You don’t know? Well...
Me: From me, Inspector. The paintings are up here. I can show (показать) you. Follow me! (Следуйте за мной!)
It’s ten minutes later. The man and the woman are in the police cars.
Inspector: Well, Eddie, this is a surprise.
Me: Eddie? Is that my name?
Inspector: Eddie! Come on! (Да ладно тебе!)
Me: No, I can’t remember!
Inspector: You can’t remember me?
Me: I can’t remember my name. Eddie … Eddie what?
Inspector: Eddie Hampton. What are you doing here, Eddie? (Что ты тут делаешь, Эдди?)
I tell him. I tell him about the field and the binoculars. I tell him about the bump on my head, and the room. I tell him about the paper and the key. He is laughing (смеётся) at me.
Me: OK, I’m Eddie Hampton. But who’s Eddie Hampton?
He is laughing again.
Me: You know me. Am I a policeman?
Inspector: No, Eddie, you aren’t a policeman.
Me: Then who am I? And what am I doing here?
Inspector: I don’t know, but I can tell you something.
Me: What?
Inspector: Eddie Hampton’s a criminal … a thief. Not a big thief. Those (те) two people are big thieves, with their famous paintings. You’re a small thief, Eddie. You steal (крадёшь) from houses. Televisions, radios, videos a little money sometimes. You’re a small thief. But thank you for your help.
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