В сети появился список релизов игр для PC, Mac, Linux, Playstation 4, Xbox One и Nintendo Switch, выход которых запланирован на наступающую неделю c 30 апреля по 6 мая 2018 года. Ниже вы можете ознакомиться с полным списком релизов для всех основных игровых платформ на эту неделю:
Игры для PC, Mac и Linux
- 2DGameManias Taken
- 5Rings
- A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia
- A Walk in the Woods
- Achievement Hunter: Unicorn
- Achievement Idler: Red
- Adonis
- Alone
- Ancient Rush 2
- Arc Surfer (Early Access)
- Aria's Wing (Early Access)
- Ashi Wash
- Austen Translation
- Battle Fleet: Ground Assault
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Battlezone: Gold Edition
- Beat Saber
- Bitcoin Trader
- Block Party Sports
- Bloody Chronicles - New Cycle of Death
- Bomight
- Boom! Maze
- Break Stuff With Coins
- Brickfest
- Chess Cubed (Early Access)
- City of Brass
- Clash of Magic: Spectator Only
- Color Path
- Commanager Tycoon
- Cranes
- CrazyHousePlanes (Early Access)
- Crimson Shift
- DARCO: Reign of Elements (Early Access)
- Dark Matter
- Datou Maou Teki Houhou
- Days Of Purgatory
- De'Vine: World of Shadows
- Dead Secret Circle
- Deep Voyage
- Demon's Rise - War for the Deep
- Don't Bite Me Bro!
- EEP TSM Gotthardbahn Nordrampe Modul Erstfeld
- Escape First
- Escape From Cozy Island
- Fabulous: Angela's Wedding Disaster
- FantasyDynasty: Le chateau DERETIC
- Far Craft
- FinalFire
- FlappyU
- Formula X
- Fragmentum
- Freedom March: Rebel Leader
- Frost Punk (Victorian Edition)
- Fury Fighter VR (Early Access)
- Geometry Boxer
- Good Doggo
- Grave Prosperity - part 1
- gridCrack (Early Access)
- Grotoro
- Guardian of Immortal Mountain
- Hard Lander
- Haunted Legends: The Stone Guest (Collector's Edition)
- Hazardous Space (Early Access)
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - The Witchwood
- Highscore Processing Unit
- HomestarVR
- Hover X Souls
- Hungry Piggy Vs. Chicken
- Hypertrain (Early Access)
- Iffy Institute (Early Access)
- In the world end, You and me the forget's legend
- Jack and Sara: Educational game
- Jelly Escape
- Journey Of Life (Early Access)
- Just, Bearly
- Kabounce
- Kentucky Dash (Early Access)
- Kickshot
- Kouko Kyoukaku Gyou
- Ladybird Reflect
- Laser Puzzle in VR
- Last Resort Island
- Lighter Than AR
- Little Marisa's Disaster Journey
- LOGistICAL: ABC Islands
- Logout
- Longboard Stunts and Tricks
- Love Simulation
- M.I.N.D.
- Magic League
- Magic Masks
- MazeBot
- Mini-Dead
- Monster Truck Drive
- Mr. Sweet (Early Access)
- Noonie
- OboStar
- Omnicube
- Paper Valley
- Paralines: Paladdins Tactics
- Plane War
- Plutocracy
- Project Myriad (Early Access)
- Realistic Illusion
- Retro Rocket Robot
- Rogue Agent
- Rogue Buddies - Aztek Gold
- Ruler by Default
- Russian Prison Sport: OCHKO
- Sakura Sakura
- Semi-Sweet Tofu
- Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Cursed Wedding (Collector's Edition)
- Shatter EVERYTHING (Early Access)
- Sheep Game
- Shoot 'm Up
- Signal Simulator
- SimplyTrivia
- Skelly Selest
- Slum Ball VR Tournament
- Sniper Squad Mission
- SOLAR BATTALION (Early Access)
- Soul Smith of the Kingdom
- Space Googy
- Speed Car Fighter
- Square Head Zombies 2
- Starting The Game
- Super Dungeon Boy: Mega Fire
- Super Pillow Fight
- Survival Simulator
- T*tty Crush
- Tayutama 2: You're the only one
- The Behind: The Beyond
- The Firlyn Stones (Early Access)
- The Last Day Defense
- The Last DeadEnd
- The Office Quest
- The President
- The Woods
- TheShooterGame
- Thirdmage
- Tobuscus Adventures: Wizards
- Together
- Torture Chamber
- Traffic Cop
- Trap
- Trench Run VR
- Trivia Vault: Art Trivia
- Trivia Vault: Celebrity Trivia
- Trivia Vault: TV Trivia
- Utsuwa Seki no Houkou: The will of a single Tale
- Venture Arctic
- Venture Kid
- Viki Spotter: Space Mission
- Viking Brothers 2
- Viking Brothers 3
- Viking Brothers 4
- Volantia
- Voltage
- VR2: Vacate 2 Rooms (Early Access)
- Wait! Life is beautiful!
- Wildlife Tycoon: Venture Africa
- Without Within 3
- Wonfourn
- Woodstock 1969
- Zap Zap Zombie Cats
Игры для Playstation 4
- Battlezone: Gold Edition
- City of Brass
- Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition
- Deiland
- Guns of Icarus Alliance
- Hex Tunnel Touch
- HIVE: Altenum Wars
- Killing Floor: Incursion
- Pirate Flight
- The King of Fighters XIV: Heidhern
- The King of Fighters XIV: Najd
- The King of Fighters XIV: Oswald
Игры для Xbox One
- Battlezone: Gold Edition
- City of Brass
- Minecraft (Super Plus Pack)
- Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles
Игры для Nintendo Switch
- ACA NeoGeo: Stakes Winner
- Another World
- Arcade Archives: 10-Yard Fight
- Cast of the Seven Godsends: Redux
- Danger Mouse: The Danger Games
- Don't Die, Mr. Robot!
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
- Japanese Mah-jongg
- Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Sly Spy
- Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
- Nihilumbra
- Perfect Angle
- Pirate Pop Plus
- Professional Construction: The Simulation
- R.B.I. Baseball 18
- The Flame in the Flood
- Timberman VS
- Urban Trial Playground
Отметим, что релизы всех указанных выше игр состоятся как в американском, так и в европейском регионе.
Источник информации: Опубликован список релизов игр для PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One и NS за период с 30 апреля по 6 мая 2018 | ZYXgame