One of England's favourite topics is about their favourite pets. Cats
Here is a brief conversation between a cat owner and their neighbors. (I encountered in real life) Conversation 1. -Cat Owner: "Hi there! Have you seen my mischievous cat roaming around your yard again?" -Neighbor: "Oh yes, that little troublemaker is always up to something! Just yesterday, he snuck into our garden and tried to chase away the squirrels." - Mischievous |ˈmɪstʃɪvəs| - озорной, вредный, непослушный - Roaming |ˈrəʊmɪŋ| - блуждающий, бродячий - Yard |jɑːd| - двор, ярд, сад - Troublemaker |ˈtrʌb(ə)lmeɪkə| - нарушитель спокойствия, порядка - Sneak |sniːk| - красться, стащить, украсть (Прошедшая форма: Snuck |snʌk| - прокрался) - Squirrels |ˈskwɪrəlz| - белки Conversation 2...