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Иоганн Вольфган фон Гёте - "Лесной Царь" на английском языке со словарем Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - "The Erl-King" 🤴 Who's riding so late through th' endless wild? The father 't is with his infant child; He thinks the boy 's well off in his arm, He grasps him tightly, he keeps him warm. My son, say why are you hiding your face ? - Oh father, the Erlking 's coming apace, The Erlking 's here with his train and crown! - My son, the fog moves up and down. - Be good, my child, come, go with me! I know nice games, will play them with thee, And flowers thou 'It find near by where I live, pretty dress my mother will give." Dear father, oh father, and do you not hear What th' Erlking whispers so close to my ear? - Be quiet, do be quiet, my son, Through leaves the wind is rustling anon. - Do come, my darling, oh come with me! Good care my daughters will take of thee, My daughters will dance about thee in a ring, Will rock thee to sleep and will prettily sing." Dear father, oh father, and do you not see The Erlking's daughters so near to me? - My son, my son, no one 's in our way, The willows are looking unusually gray. - I love thee, thy beauty I covet and choose, Be willing, my darling, or force I shall use! "Dear father, oh father, he seizes my arm! The Erlking, father, has done me harm. - The father shudders, he darts through the wild; With agony fill him the groans of his child. He reached his farm with fear and dread; The infant son in his arms was dead. Слова из стихотворения: infant child - младенец, to be well off - быть обеспеченным, иметь все что необходимо, to grasp - обхватить, tightly - крепко to keep warm - держать в тепле to hide someones's face - прятать лицо apace - быстро, стремительно train - свита fog - туман crown - корона thee - тобой (уст.) thou - ты (уст.) to whisper- шептать to rustle - прошелестеть anon - сейчас, в ближайшее время to take care of - заботиться to dance in a ring - танцевать, взявшись за руки и встав в круг to rock to sleep - убаюкать prettily- красиво willow - ива to covet -жаждать to be willing - иметь желание (to + Inf) to seize - захватывать to do harm - навредить to shudder - содрогнуться to dart - помчаться, рвануться groan - стон to reach - достигать dread - ужас Послушать стихотворение можно по ссылке: https://youtu.be/...xjk
1 год назад
Лексика по теме "Weather" уровня B2 (18 слов) 1. To flash - вспыхивать; мелькнуть 💥 Examples: Those stars near the horizon seem to flash and change color. 2. Humidity - влажность 🌫 Examples: Different monitoring devices like humidity sensors, monitors and controllers have made it possible to measure and control humidity easily. 3. Cloudless - безоблачный ☀️ Examples: Scientists no longer spend sleepless hours on cloudless nights, contemplating the path of individual planets. 4. Heavy - сильный (о буре, дожде, росе и т. п.) 🌧 Examples: Temperature increases and heavy rains associated with climate breakdown are further degrading already damaged soils. 5. Windless - безветренный ☀️ Examples: Last year, we could only fly our drone and capture data on dry, sunny, windless days. 6. Warmth - тепло 🌞 Examples: Exotic fruits should not be refrigerated because they like warmth. 7. Frostbite - обморожение ⛄️ Examples: Emergency medical help should always be summoned whenever frostbite is suspected. 8. Frosty - морозный ⛄️ Examples: In addition, winter frosty fresh air will improve the overall atmosphere in the apartment and may even strengthen the immune system. 9. Heatstroke - солнечный удар ☀️🤕 Examples: More than 22,000 people have been taken to hospital with heatstroke, nearly half of them being elders. 10. Duststorm - песчаная буря 🌬 Examples: Severe duststorm or sandstorm has begun or has increased during the preceding hour. 11. Flooding - затопление 🌧🌧🌧 Examples: The state last saw such devastating flooding in 1924. 12. Frost - мороз ⛄️ Examples: Experienced gardeners recommend always refining frost resistance, since most popular varieties are unable to tolerate frost. 13. Monsoon - сезон дождей, муссонный 🌧 Examples: The tropical monsoon climate means that you can expect a lot of rainfall. 14. Mist - туман (лёгкий) 🌫 Examples: The fog and mist often ruin visibility. 15. To rain cats and dogs -лить, как из ведра 🌧🌧🌧 Examples: It's raining cats and dogs out there! 16. Overcast - пасмурно 🌥 Examples: Common sunny areas that have occasional clouds, overcast, or showers rarely reach extreme highs. 17. Thunderbolt - удар молнии ⚡️ Examples: The bolt of lightning in heraldry is called a thunderbolt and is shown as a zigzag with non-pointed ends. 18. Flash flood - ливневый паводок 🌊 Examples: However, sometimes after years without rain, a flash flood will drench the area.
1 год назад
Лексика по теме "Weather" уровня B1 (20 слов) + практика 1. Rainfall - дождевые осадки 🌧 Examples: The average annual rainfall in this region is 740 mm. 2. Snowfall - снегопад 🌨 Examples: Heavy snowfalls are predicted for tonight. 3. Shower - ливень 🌧🌧🌧 Examples: You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower? 4. Rainstorm - сильный ливень 🌧🌧🌧 Examples: We experience the storm happening around us because we have been caught in rainstorms. 5. Snowstorm - вьюга 🌬 Examples: It was a snowstorm of unparalleled severity. 6. Rainwater - дождевые сточные воды 💦 Examples: The cemented courtyard was sunk into the ground to avoid rainwater penetrating the inner chamber. 7. Raindrop - дождевая капля 💧 Examples: The sound of raindrops is heard. 8. Snowflake - снежинка ❄️ Examples: Snowflakes are sometimes represented as six-sided crystals on Christmas cards. 9. To pour - лить ☔️ Examples: It looks as though it's about to pour. 10. To flood - выходить из берегов 🌊 Examples: Several families living by the river were flooded out. 11. Humid - влажный 🌫 Examples: New York is very hot and humid in the summer. 12. Damp - влага, влажность, сырость 🌫 Examples: The damp is bad for his asthma. 13. Heat wave - аномальная жара 🫠🥵 Examples: Heat wave is a period of days during which the weather is much hotter than usual. 14. Calm - безветренная погода 🌞 Examples: If the weather is calm, there is no wind. 15. Hailstorm - дождь с градом 🌧🌨 Examples: The hailstorms have almost entirely wiped out the harvest. 16. Icy - очень холодный 🥶 Examples: The weather forecast warns the drivers to beware of heavy rain, fog or icy roads. 17. Bright - ясная 🌞 Examples: The sky is serene and bright. 18. Torrential rain - сильный ливень 🌧🌧🌧 Examples: The farmers were concerned about loss of seeds owing to torrential rain. 19. Sunny spells - облачная погода с прояснениями 🌤 Examples: Temperatures are still in the 25ºC's and you can expect sunny spells. 20. Freezing cold - сильный мороз 🥶☃️ Examples: These mountains is so beautiful that your heart will melt even in the freezing cold. Ссылка на онлайн кроссворд: onlinetestpad.com/...hrw (кнопка "завершить" внизу страницы)
1 год назад
Идиомы в английском языке Идиомы - одна из наиболее сложных тем при изучении любого иностранного языка. Изучение идиом английского языка усложнено наличием его вариантов. Самые крупные по числу носителей: британский, американский, канадский и австралийский. В данном посте хотелось бы привести подборку 5 идиом, описывающих эмоции. В случае, если идиома характерна определенному варианту языка, это указано в скобочках)) 1. to be like a dog with two tails = быть очень счастливым 😁 Пример: "Is he pleased about his new job?" "He is like a dog with two tails." 2. to be over the moon (неофициальная, прежде всего британский английский) = быть очень счастливым и взволнованным 😁 Пример: "How does it feel to have won the championship?" "I'm over the moon." 3. your pride and joy = кто-то / что-то, чем вы очень гордитесь и рады иметь 😎 Пример: That house's his pride and joy. 4. to be in high / low spirits (можно также сказать "to be in good / poor spirits") = быть счастливым и жизнерадостным 😁/ грустным и несчастным 😞 Можно использовать прилагательные: high-spirited, low-spirited. Пример: He was in low spirits all evening. 5. with your tail between your legs (informal) = испытывать стыд, смущение из-за того, что потерпели поражение или наказаны 🥺 Пример: They thought they would win a prize at the competition easily, but they've gone home with their tails between their legs.
2 года назад