54 подписчика
Winter Olympic games - Зимние Олимпийские игры biathlon - биатлон freestyle skiing - фристайл alpine skiing - горные лыжи ice hockey - хоккей bobsleigh - бобслей figure skating - фигурное катание ski jumping...
2 года назад
12 подписчиков
Volleyball (English volleyball from volley — "blow from the fly" and ball — "ball") It is a type of team sport. There are a lot of classes to play volleyball , it is one of the Olympic Games , so it popular among teenagers and adults all over the world. Sometimes you can learn how to play it at the PE lesson in your school. Also you can play it at the beach or on the sand - it will call beach volleyball. The inventor of volleyball is William J. Morgan, he created it in 1895. This year it will be 127 years since it has been created...
1 год назад