3 минуты
36 прочтений · 3 года назад
Что такое Malware и как с ним бороться
Многие пользователи, которые не сталкивались с вредоносным ПО, считают его незначительной проблемой. Хотя в средствах массовой информации часто появляются новости о новой цифровой эпидемии, которая накрывает крупные компании и выводит из строя экосистемы огромных корпораций...
5 месяцев назад
The Rise of Adversarial AI in Cyberattacks In cybersecurity, while AI technologies have significantly bolstered our defense mechanisms against cyber threats, they have also given rise to a new era of sophisticated attacks. Let’s explore the darker side of AI advancements in the cybersecurity domain, focusing on its role in enhancing adversarial capabilities. From AI-powered phishing attacks that craft deceptively personal messages to advanced cryptographic attacks that challenge the integrity of encryption methods, let’s delve into how AI is reshaping the landscape of cyber warfare, presenting unprecedented challenges and opportunities for cybersecurity professionals. https://ar5iv.org/pdf/2310.13715 AI is reshaping the landscape of social engineering and phishing attacks, allowing for highly targeted and personalized campaigns. AI tools analyze vast datasets to identify potential targets, fine-tuning phishing messages that resonate with specific individuals. These messages are increasingly difficult to distinguish from legitimate communication, significantly increasing their effectiveness. The continuous improvement of generative AI models means they can adapt to counteract detection techniques, making traditional defenses less effective. https://ar5iv.org/pdf/2310.13715 https://ar5iv.org/abs/2310.05595 The use of AI-generated deepfakes and synthetic media in cyberattacks presents a growing threat, particularly in political misinformation and personal impersonation. These technologies can create convincing audio and visual content, leading to misinformation or manipulation of public opinion. The sophistication of these tools enables the creation of media that can be nearly impossible to differentiate from genuine content, raising significant concerns for security and misinformation. https://ar5iv.org/abs/2307.16336 AI also enhances malware’s capabilities, including ransomware, making these threats more adaptive, resilient, and difficult to detect. AI-driven malware can analyze its environment and modify its behavior to evade security measures. This includes learning from defensive responses and finding new vulnerabilities without human intervention. The increased use of AI in malware development suggests a future where automated threats can independently orchestrate attacks across networks. https://ar5iv.org/abs/2307.16336 https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.07110 AI is increasingly used to automate the process of network intrusion, allowing for rapid and sophisticated attacks. By leveraging AI, attackers can quickly analyze vast data to identify vulnerabilities and orchestrate network attacks. These AI-powered tools can mimic normal user behavior to evade detection systems and perform actions such as data theft, system disruption, or deploying further malware. AI-driven network intrusions represent a significant threat because they can operate at a scale and speed that human attackers cannot match. Integrating AI into network attacks necessitates advancements in equally sophisticated AI-driven security measures to effectively detect and neutralize these threats. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.07110 https://ar5iv.org/abs/1803.04646 AI’s capabilities are being exploited in information warfare to automate the creation and dissemination of disinformation. This application of AI can influence public opinion, manipulate political outcomes, and destabilize societal cohesion. AI algorithms can generate believable news stories, social... https://saile.ru/the-rise-of-adversarial-ai-in-cyberattacks/