67 прочтений · 1 год назад
Несмотря на широкое празднование Рождества, Новый год в англоговорящих странах тоже отмечают. С меньшим размахом, но праздник все равно остается праздником, со своими традициями, особенностями и поздравлениями. Новогодние традиции в Англии В отличие от Рождества, для празднования которого вся семья собирается вместе, на Новый год принято ходить в гости друг к другу или на вечеринки в общественные заведения. Во многих городах Великобритании празднуют наступающий Новый год, устраивая публичные фейерверки...
6 месяцев назад
Grain Harvest in Belarus planned at 9 mln tonnes for 2024 Ministry April 17- The grain harvest in Belarus this year is planned to be at least 9 million tonnes, Ivan Kaskevich, deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food's main crop production department said. "Based on climatic and weather nuances, last year's experience and certain risks, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is expecting at least 9 million tonnes of grain... MINSK. April 17 (Interfax) - The grain harvest in Belarus this year is planned to be at least 9 million tonnes (in weight after processing), Ivan Kaskevich, deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food's main crop production department said. "Based on climatic and weather nuances, last year's experience and certain risks, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is expecting at least 9 million tonnes of grain in weight after processing this year, as well as at least 1 million tonnes of rapeseed in net weight (about 1.2 million tonnes in bunker weight)," Kaskevich said, as quoted by BelTA. The sugar beet harvest is planned to be at least 5 million tonnes, vegetables should reach 568,000 tonnes, fruit and berry crops 225,000 tonnes, and grass feed 9.8 million tonnes, he said. Kaskevich said that in Belarus this spring more than 2.3 million hectares will be sown, including 600,000 hectares with spring grains and legumes. This year, due to warm weather, sowing started three weeks earlier than usual, he said. "Moreover, the time gap between the western and eastern regions has begun to increase significantly. We are seeing a pronounced climatic division in the republic. If earlier this was leveled out and smoothly passed, now there is a clearly discernable three-week difference," he said. "This year, spring is uncharacteristic and early. (...) This year is really breaking records and testing strength. However, we have ready-made equipment, fuel and reserves, there is an understanding of where we are going and how we organized the work," he noted. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko previously said that grain production in Belarus in 2024 should increase to 10 million tonnes (30% versus 2023). "The tasks for 2024 are much more ambitious than yesterday's [last year's] results. It is necessary to produce about 10 million tonnes of grain, 5 million tonnes of sugar beets and more than 1 million tonnes of rapeseed per year," Lukashenko said during a meeting with farmers in Minsk on Tuesday. "Last year's result was almost a failure; it was not possible to maintain the level of 2022. Farmers missed the harvest target by over 1 million tonnes of grain, 63,000 tonnes of vegetables and 10,000 tonnes of flax fiber. In almost every third organization, the grain yield was below 20 c/ha," the President said. According to Belstat, the gross harvest of grains and legumes reached 7.7 million tonnes (an 11.5% decrease) in 2023, while rapeseed totaled 0.9 million tonnes (a 12.5% increase), potatoes reached 4 million tonnes (a 2.6% increase), vegetables 2.8 million tonnes (a 3.4% decrease), and sugar beets 4.8 million tonnes (a 14.3% increase). Because of the reduced grain harvest last year, the Belarusian authorities decided to purchase 0.5 million tonnes of grain from Russia.