Christmas trees for children. Review of two Grand premieres of the year
What kind of Christmas trees for children do you prefer? Comfort chamber of small trees, a home atmosphere of culture houses, or large trees with big performances? We present you the announcements of two Grand premieres this year: "the Mystery of the three planets" brothers Safonov and "Swan lake" from Evgeny Plushenko Christmas tree for children from the brothers Safonov " Mystery of the three planets» Want to see a real space Odyssey? Illusionists #1 in Russia, brothers Safronov, represent show...
2 года назад
Christmas tree. Short stories with BabyRiki. Рисуем, наряжаем ёлку и учим цвета с малышариками.
Christmas Holidays come to BabyRiki! In this episode, they draw Christmas decorations and then decorate the tree. - Hello, children. What are you going to do today? - Let’s draw! - Great idea! Okay, let’s draw. - Oh, look! It’s a Christmas tree. But it isn’t very colourful. What colour should it be? В карусели несколько картинок. Вначале, покажите ребёнку нераскрашенную картинку. Попросите его ответить на вопрос, про цвет. А затем уже рассматривайте другие картинки. Проделывайте ту же работу и с другими картинками и вопросами...