Under the Christmas Tree Christmas Song for Kids Songs For Children Fun Kids English
Christmas trees for children. Review of two Grand premieres of the year
What kind of Christmas trees for children do you prefer? Comfort chamber of small trees, a home atmosphere of culture houses, or large trees with big performances? We present you the announcements of two Grand premieres this year: "the Mystery of the three planets" brothers Safonov and "Swan lake" from Evgeny Plushenko Christmas tree for children from the brothers Safonov " Mystery of the three planets»
Want to see a real space Odyssey? Illusionists #1 in Russia, brothers Safronov, represent show...
Christmas tree. Short stories with BabyRiki. Рисуем, наряжаем ёлку и учим цвета с малышариками.
Christmas Holidays come to BabyRiki! In this episode, they draw Christmas decorations and then decorate the tree. - Hello, children. What are you going to do today? - Let’s draw! - Great idea! Okay, let’s draw. - Oh, look! It’s a Christmas tree. But it isn’t very colourful. What colour should it be? В карусели несколько картинок. Вначале, покажите ребёнку нераскрашенную картинку. Попросите его ответить на вопрос, про цвет. А затем уже рассматривайте другие картинки. Проделывайте ту же работу и с другими картинками и вопросами...