4 месяца назад
​​​​​​​​​​​Bitrix catalog section filter Bitrix Catalog Section FilterWhen it comes to managing large catalogs of products on a website, having an efficient filtering system is crucial for helping customers find exactly what they are looking for. Bitrix offers a powerful tool called the catalog section filter, which allows website administrators to easily create custom filters for their product catalogs.With the catalog section filter, administrators can create filter presets based on various product attributes such as price range, brand, size, color, and more. This allows customers to quickly narrow down their search results and find the products that meet their specific criteria.One of the key benefits of using the catalog section filter in Bitrix is its flexibility. Administrators can easily customize the filter presets to match the unique characteristics of their product catalog. They can also define which filter options are available for each product category, ensuring a seamless and intuitive browsing experience for customers.Another advantage of the catalog section filter is its performance. By using AJAX technology, the filter allows customers to apply multiple filter criteria simultaneously without needing to reload the entire page. This results in faster loading times and a more responsive user experience.Overall, the Bitrix catalog section filter is a valuable tool for improving the browsing experience on e-commerce websites. It helps customers quickly find the products they are looking for, while also allowing administrators to easily manage and customize their product catalogs. By leveraging the power of the catalog section filter, website owners can enhance their online shopping experience and drive more sales.In conclusion, the Bitrix catalog section filter is a versatile and powerful tool for managing product catalogs on e-commerce websites. With its customizable filter presets, intuitive interface, and fast performance, it is an essential tool for any website looking to improve the shopping experience for their customers.
Сортировка значений филтров по алфавиту в компоненте bitrix:catalog.smart.filter
Как оказалось, в Битриксе у компонента bitrix:catalog.smart.filter нет параметров для сортировки значений в фильтрах. Однако, задача есть, и нужно придумать как сделать сортировку значений в фильре по алфавиту. Для решения этой задачи можно добавить в конец файла result_modifier.php в шаблоне вызова компонента bitrix:catalog.smart.filter следущий код: // Массив свойств, которые нужно отсортировать, с указанием функции сортировки $resortProps = [ "BRAND" => "sortByName", "SERIES" => "sortByName", "STRANA" => "sortByName", ]; // Перебираем список выводимых свойст для отображения в фильтре foreach($arResult["ITEMS"]...