UNIT 4: Cognitive, Psychological, and Emotional Differences
After viewing the video ‘Dear Teacher: heartfelt advice for teachers from students with autism’ () which aspect of the video impacted you the most? Do you think this video should be used with teachers of ‘diverse’ classrooms (classrooms that have students from the general population and students with disabilities) or should it be used only with teachers that work with autistic students? Support your response with citations from the readings using APA format and classroom examples where applicable. My husband came home from work late last night and we sat down to dinner. The kids had already eaten and were watching a cartoon on TV...
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10 красивых строчек из песен BTS
1. Ты подарила мне лучшего меня, Так дай же себе и лучшую себя You gave me the best of me So you’ll give you the best of you. ▪︎Best of Me 2. Поскольку рассвет прямо перед восходом солнца является самым темным временем, Даже в далеком будущем не забудь Себя Because the dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest Even in the far future, never forget the you of right now ▪︎Tomorrow 3...