16 просмотров · 1 год назад
2 прочтения · 5 лет назад
The habit of losing it quietly. Part 2
I had a simple situation a few years ago, which I remembered at once, and showed how it happens. Once I lost my favorite sports jacket, thousands for 5-6 rubles. For me, at that time it was a tangible amount, and the purchase was successful - it fits well, and I liked it. But I was lucky to remember Alexander Palienko's covenants right away, and I thought: "So, something even better will come in her place," and immediately switched over and forgot. And really, then within six months, I bought three...
13 просмотров · 1 месяц назад
2 года назад
How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise - Easy Ways to Get a Fit and Sexy Look!
How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise - Easy Ways to Get a Fit and Sexy Look! Are you looking for a simple solution to get an attractive body-line? Can't take the hardship of workouts anymore? Want to learn how to lose weight fast without exercise? Any average person can get his/her dream figure with a little effort and it is possible without any exercising if some simple rules are followed. Let's learn about 3 powerful & effective rules that can give you a fit and good looking body shape. Tip...