5 лет назад
Somebody once told me
Somebody once told me, "Don't quit; everything you do, you have to keep going until it turns out just right." This was my attitude, but it was a good attitude, because if I let it go, it was gonna be too late. I had to keep pushing myself and make the music happen. And then it happened. But my attitude wasn't about trying to be the best rapper in the world. I was just trying to do my job. With The News: Paper Trail in 2004, you were on a special show named Just For Laughs in Montreal...
3 года назад
❌You kill my job❌
В последнее время все чаще и чаще в процессе работы вместо действий слышу подобные ответы от сотрудников, которые являются, сами того не понимая, «тихими убийцами» компании. ⠀