9 прочтений · 1 год назад
My dearest, fourteen subscribers! In endless gratitude to you and God, as well as to myself, I am back with my "fairytale" stories. I've promised you a lot of things there, but none of them fulfilled. "To you" is a quite symbolic thing of cause, since I promised it myself as a whole, and disappeared. And this is important, a sacred thought, remember it. Promises made to ourselves, even without the intention to fulfill them, pull us back and slowly and imperceptibly suck energy out of us. It isn't my idea, I just know that from somewhere...
11 прочтений · 5 лет назад
Moms of teenagers: a Collective interview Blogs Mom.
Parents are afraid in advance of puberty, seemed to have forgotten that quite recently were the most teenagers. A week ago, we published an interview with three moms in our community. Today is continuing the ongoing discussions, and we published the responses of two mothers of our community — This Bar and Olga Astrahanceva. Hello, ladies. Thank you for responding to our proposal and answering our questions. We hope your answers will help our readers to find a way to mutual understanding with their growing children...