Autumn In New York🍁 This romantic drama follows the tragic love story of a terminally ill young woman and a middle-aged restauranteur during Autumn in New York City. Practical Magic🔮 Starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, two sisters are born into a magical family who have tried their best to avoid witchcraft. When one of their boyfriends dies unexpectedly, the Owen sisters give dark magic a try, but their same spell threatens to end their family line. Knives Out🔪 Following in the...
Pale pink and green Pale pink and green are a trend so beautiful to use during the cold months and dark in autumn and winter. These two colors come together so well that you can use them for everything. It can be a wallpaper, accessories like a vase, cushions or blankets. And to finish with this trend, keep in mind that the printed palm wallpaper is also very fashionable. Everything that shines Make your home shine by choosing accessories in metallic finishes in gold, copper, and brass. Combine them with table chairs with metalized feet and bring out the finish with the same table accessories...