141 читали · 5 лет назад
My sister is a cooker.
Ответы на упражнение из предыдущего поста. My stepmother is fifty. She was born in China. My son-in-law was born in Brazil. I have two stepbrothers. She's got three half-sisters. My daughter-in-law is nice. Сегодня я бы хотела поговорить немного о еде. I love the French kitchen. Если вы так скажете, то, скорее всего, собеседник подумает, что в̶ы̶ ̶п̶л̶о̶х̶о̶ ̶з̶н̶а̶е̶т̶е̶ ̶а̶н̶г̶л̶и̶й̶с̶к̶и̶й вы говорите о кухонном интерьере. Когда мы говорим о традициях приготовления пищи, лучше использовать слово 'food', а еще лучше слово 'cuisine' /kwɪˈziːn/...
11 месяцев назад
Traveling south. Stop one: Kostyonki ("small bones" "Костёнки", english version)
- So you'll write your memoirs in your old age. - If life favors me in my old age, I hope that it will be such that I won't have time to write my memoirs anyway. (from a conversation with a high school friend). But every once in a while my smartphone starts to refuse to work, I look at everything that needs to go somewhere, and that's when I realize it's time for a story. At least for a well-told story. And my stories, no matter how you tell them, are all good...