228 прочтений · 2 года назад
Новинки от Hello From Liz Mathews
Все новинки выпущены для Needlework Expo. Заметила, что дизайнеры, ставшие популярными именно как дизайнеры примитивов, в последнее время стараются пробовать себя в чем-то новом. The Primitive Hare, например, давно уже не только про примитив...
3 прочтения · 5 лет назад
Rabbits: The Timid Creatures Of The Animal World
Rabbits, island hares and pikas, among the most harmless and peaceful animals in the world, have never been seen to engage in offensive action or attack. These small animals have no place among the characteristics of rabbits, such as brutality, predation or hatred. Although they have thick and strong teeth, they rarely bite, even when their lives are in danger. Many species have been domesticated. If you have a domesticated rabbit, you can look at this post for rabbit names. Everyone knows that rabbits have large lower legs and feet, small tails and long ears that help them to jump...