1,4K прочтений · 2 года назад
Во сне и наяву: Doro – I'm In Love With You [2 of 2]
Это продолжение разбора песни из альбома немецкой группы Doro, названной в честь её солистки Doro Pesch, много лет выступавшей в heavy metal группе Warlock. Начало разбора – тут. Day after day struggle to get through Feel so alone without you Tear after tear keep falling from my eyes I'm so afraid you might not want me to Когда мы что-то get through the door ► мы его проносим через дверь, а когда сами get through the crowd ► пробираемся через толпу. Сравните: she needs to get through with it ► ей надо со всем этим разобраться...
1 прочтение · 5 лет назад
I have to tell you that I'm in love...
The evening was full of closing dances. Madeleine waited for the first time for the end of the celebration, wanted to finish the day, forget herself. But time, as it happens, has turned into the worst enemy, and stretched out as intended. The figured hands on the clock seemed to have frozen and refused to let the princess go of the embrace of humiliation. The clouds of grey thoughts were bitterly upset. The guests began to disperse. From the front door of the palace, one by one the coaches drove away...